Saturday, March 3, 2007

Active Actions Loving Turned Against Each Other, Bear,

Active actions loving turned against each other, bear, pleasure to both: and to the one who influences, and to the one who perceives caresses. What technics love? No, I, not will not write to the instruction my this business as different schools offer different ways of achievement of the highest pleasure, such long ecstasy when an exchange "M" and allows to find a steady condition of inspiration of all your human essence, to feel full communication not only with the favourite person, but with Space or God. One teachers insist on system of constantly becoming complicated joint caresses (seven levels), others believe that vibrations of all body, like electric, it is necessary to achieve through joint meditations etc. For us particulars are important not, but the result achievement by your conjoint orchestra of a mighty crescendo which incorporates and grasps you so long, how many you will wish. Glory to new times in the respect that that or others can be got editions. But looking, glory to New Times in the sense that before everyone and before each of us those are nowadays open truly divine possibilities which once were before superconfidential property of emperors, masters of huge powers.

I Was Rather Impressed Personally With One Of

I was rather impressed personally with one of inscriptions on walls "the Black pagoda":" Learn kama-sutru only with that whom you wish. Kama-sutra demands all life, the knowledge kama-sutry is infinite, as pleasure of knowledge of ideas of God of Krishna "is infinite. According to"Kama-sutre", the man is capable to remain the man, and the woman - the woman to the extreme old age. So it appears that" the secret of the Chinese tangerines "was and not a secret, and not only the Chinese tangerines. Tens and hundreds variations of kisses and embraces are described in "Kama-sutre", an essence of this description that there are no almost such places on a body at the beloved which cannot receive caress from your lips, and these lips are capable to behave differently the same as language, as well as a teeth. The essence of descriptions of this and other worthy books as well that there are no at it such zones which during the travel could not and caresses your hands, moving from top to down - from a head to hips, without speaking about a breast, a back, sides, a waist.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

If In England Recently Only 4 % From

If in England recently only 4 % from all number of engineers were women, in the USA - 10 % at us this percent rises to 40, and in a teaching and medicine - to 70! Here also you will reflect in these circumstances on pleasures of the accelerated development and its consequences for health of our family, anyway, in its form traditional for Russia. Ways are not present back and cannot be. There can be only an updating of a way of the subsequent with the full account that already was that is and, the main thing, that will be! It sounds defiantly, perfectly I understand, nevertheless, I dare to pass an opinion on objective factors, is more powerful which there is nothing in it the world. The multidifficult deep forces defining fundamental laws of life of people, on all planet approximately have equally defined very long time ago the best for last times of the form of family arrangement for the sake of a continuation of the family human. Harmony of relations of that time between the man and the woman corresponded also to level of their way of that time, individual feeling.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In General, Principles Of Correct Breath Play A

In general, principles of correct breath play a role that in yoga that in "Secret" - as a basis of bases of health. I will not speak in detail about it, the big section in "Three whales of health" is devoted breath. But now I talk about breath a lot of sort - connected with bright purposeful meditation and with accurate sensation from work of the fancy. I dictate: you represent in the a ball of bright white colour. Mentally you conduct it upwards on a backbone, you lead up to a projection of a solar plexus and you direct from a backbone on line slightly rounded off upwards directly to a solar plexus. Therefrom you conduct it downwards, to a navel, leaving behind it a white trace. Over a navel - the trajectory of a white cord forks and down to goes two parallel lines. At two lines merge in one and go in . Therefrom all begins at first, but with that difference that now movement with each new turn will be made all faster. The problem on a breath to lift a cord upwards, and on an exhalation to lower downwards - already precisely and unmistakably on the laid trajectory.