Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Before That This Way And That, Sju-sju, Ti-ti-stir
Before that this way and that, sju-sju, ti-ti-stir up, has risen, villages, has bowed, has submitted "Rolls-Royce", the novel, on - ... Ours by a tram - and that is good. If you were pleasant to it. The marriage of convenience does not recognise. What can you give to it? Its riches "differ nothing from yours. It unpretentious, strong, clear-eyed, hardy, happy. Both conducting, and a lime, both a brick, and cross ties, and the kernel throws goodness knows where. And bags on five hundred kgs and ahead of itself a carriage with the child? Same after a glade in a taiga has cut through. put - will move. Tractor -700 give - will get and will go. The husband on gait learns. And, how a key at a door:. Inserts, knows that at it on work who and what foulness has for three offered it. Oh! And these visitors Finns, Belgians, new Zealanders. Better, speak, your women in the whole world are not present anything. And , any riches for our woman give. In what, speak, its force: it. Itself does not understand, what it! The universal man has absolutely become puzzled and aside has departed.
After The Sixth And The Seventh At It
After the sixth and the seventh at it become stronger accordingly a waist and hips with buttocks. After the eighth - the skin becomes smooth and elastic. After the ninth - it gets longevity, and after the tenth - assimilates Immortal. Certainly, here, as well as in other Taoist texts, it is necessary to give the discount for poetic exaggerations. In this case the purpose of the author consisted in transferring to descendants as a precept importance of mastering by the control over . Egor continues. Spiritual ecstasy (a mode only periodically and occasionally supposed seed emissions), fine in itself, can become even more delightful: for the account in it essentially new, unknown to us earlier sensations. It is asked, what? Probably (and even for certain) I exceed the powers given to me by the Author and I get into area love about which he wanted how I know, to speak itself, well, and suddenly my initiative yes will not be punishable? . That special type of breath which carries the name "White cord", is capable to bring at exact execution to the man absolutely not known sensation , covering literally all body, instead of one only the handle " a hammer".
Friday, March 14, 2008
At A Stage Of Pre-natal Development Acts, It
at a stage of pre-natal development acts, it appears, in a role of their saviour: getting to nervous cages of potentially man's brain, it, somehow operating on a gene, stimulates - growth of nervous shoots. In own way regulate nervous cages of a female brain and an estrogen. And as nervous cages sensitive to sexual hormones are found not only in , but also in other departments of a brain, it is possible to assume that the sexual differentiation extends on the most different features of nervous activity, so, and behaviour. It has really proved to be true in experiences both on animals, and on people - volunteers. The greatest sexual differences in behaviour at any mammal, as well as at the person while are proved concerning three kinds of activity: sexual reactions, the relation to posterity and aggression... We again and again face differences in work of the female and man's brain, which sexual hormones cause by means of two powerful levers: readjustments of the genetic program at a dawn of a human life and unequal action on different parts of a brain in an adult organism.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
An Exit In, That From Time To Time
An exit in, that from time to time holidays to prepare and spend not to reduce sex to routine and, hence, not to bury for ever a condition of the young pleasure. And here you have met and is masterful have prepared a love feast, and here have approached already to a coition, to the certificate when it " the spear" gets into yours "a cave of Alladina". Here here all previous harmony of increase of emotions and preparation of the physiological mechanism also will work. It will prove doubly, equally beneficially for it and for you. For it all these riches of relations will be expressed in appreciable increase , better to say, the member will longer stand and will be firmer, than if there was no this wonderful preliminary harmony of a mind and body. Now listen: according to documentary researches of American physiologist Alfreda Kinzi and laboratory trials of Americans Vird-zhinii Johnson and William Masters (on approximately three hundred steams of volunteers all parametres of the sexual certificate were fixed by them , with electronics application) stability man's makes a basis of female pleasure.
Finding Of These Possibilities Is Difficultly Given? Attempt
Finding of these possibilities is difficultly given? Attempt not torture. Dare now that to your children it was easier then. And this game - I authentically confirm! - costs ... Has come it is time to us to leave. I with grief say goodbye to you, the reader. But at heart there lives a consolation: on this book our meetings do not come to an end. The course of lectures "Healing of the person" (about doctoring principles) is already read on author's Tuesdays in the St.-Petersburg House of scientists in Wood, a problem to break through turmoil of daily affairs and cares and to translate it in a legible kind. "Three whales of health" have been devoted how to help themselves, "Healing of the person" - how to help itself and another. And ahead - new books. It is a lot of books. As one French director spoke: "the Film is already ready, it is necessary to remove only it". So these books already exist, it is necessary to write and print them only. To a meeting! To new meetings ..
These Are Lines From "the Marriage Contract" Which
These are lines from "the Marriage contract" which was concluded among themselves by the two loving young men who have got married in 1820. The contract consists of ten "articles". Entering the marriage union. The laurels undertake to provide with "tireless diligence" to Anna a quiet comfortable life, and it reasonable housekeeping - "to contain herself and the husband on the gold road equally removed from an excess and a lack". Understanding, the world and the consent in a matrimony are however important, both consider necessary to concede each other without , for ever to exclude from a house lexicon such words as I "want", I "demand", I "order". Moral principles on which young men intend to build home life are remarkable also: the husband never "delivers to the extraneous woman of a celebration, offensive for his wife", the wife "will not admit in a society the slightest sign on disrespect for the husband". From the newspaper "Evening Chelyabinsk" Robert Steinberg and Anna Bejl believe that the triangle theory allows to create set of figures which precisely reflect a variety of love relations.
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