Thursday, January 3, 2008

Without It And To Speak There Is Nothing.

Without it and to speak there is nothing. Certainly, I to some extent would consider its astrological data - both on years, and on zodiacal signs, but thus in any way did not forget that stars only develop before me a magic tablecloth, and a choice of dishes - business of my free will: I want - I order soup from ceps, and I wish - I order a shish kebab from seductive fly agarics in the beauty. Yes, the choice - was put personally by mine. But, suppose, I am reasonable enough not to choose to myself in partners of the fan pale or the voluptuous devourer of potassium cyanide: I know that its propensities are deadly to me, or, at least, are inconvenient in a life (remember how the fox and a crane each other treated and though sympathised each other, joint housekeeping at them it has not turned out). We will assume, I face to a choice of other plan: what to prefer - the similarity or addition to itself? In the first case both with equal pleasure we will go to the cinema, suppose. In the thief - with a much bigger emotionality we begin to share impressions: I - about hikes, it - about delightful festival of Mozambiquean films.

And A Unique Cause For Divorce The Woman

And a unique cause for divorce the woman (we will tell, one of four wives in Egypt) had its complaint that the husband cannot or does not wish to warm up it the same as three other wives. I repeat and will repeat again and again: a spirit on full , satisfaction of sexual requirement first of all women, refusal of the primitive aspiration by means of its vagina - here solving installation, and all the rest including grandiose launch of the physiological potential comes as consequence of this radical world outlook reorientation. The note: to tell the truth, it is difficult to me to judge, why correspondents, whose letters were given to me by the author, practically all have been anxious by finding-out of only technical arsenal of the Chinese dignitaries: whether the Author it is inexact a theme in the book, whether readers have accepted it. At me, the truth, has arisen direct analogy to other place of its book in which he informs that the overwhelming majority of its correspondents has seen panacea from all illnesses in clearing of a liver and others " " and almost nobody has been disturbed by spiritual maintenance of the health.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

As The Author In "Three Whales Of Health"

As the Author in "Three whales of health" wrote: silly to play a flute as if on a harp, and on the piano as on a guitar, to sense will not be (approximately so he wrote). But business is even more difficult: even the same woman and mood change can change with the years the spirits, and meet also such, the sexual sphere which comprises the whole orchestra if to continue comparison! The psychology psychology, but further your problem - to find an exact physiological key (I repeat: with its help). It is possible to apply and other comparison: to dial correct telephone number. One more is possible: to solve the code number on the lock of an automatic left-luggage office. Etc. the Reason of a variety of numbers that at each of women this or that erogenous zone predominates. He/she is our brother the muzhik it is arranged primitively: a member, especially its head, and - here practically and all excitable zones. Literally words "time-two and ". At women it is extremely more difficult! I will result a concrete example: has asked me somehow Anastas for cold to rub to it with a warming medicine before a dream area between shovels.