Friday, August 31, 2007

What Will It Be? It Will Be Something

What will it be? It will be something similar to flash of a lightning between clouds and the earth or occurrence of the mighty electric category between two huge metal spheres-poles. And the first pole is the your altruistic consciousness directed on a delay for the sake of full long satisfaction of the woman, and the giant energy of the internal centres - second this saturation (four bottom charkas if to resort to terminology Indian ). Here I wish to pay special attention that this explosion is directed not on a start of your forces outside, but opposite: two before opened, half will be closed also all flash similar to nuclear explosion after connection of two parts of a charge till the sizes of critical weight, will be turned in itself. I do not know, whether it is possible to name a similar condition for it conducts to huge increase of your forces, instead of to their emission, but similar inspiration which, obviously, is similar to a condition , is worthy of it, that it to test. Once again: such game costs , expenses of time and the concentrated attention will pay off not , and is thousandfold.