Thursday, April 10, 2008

What Remains In Such Conditions To System? The

What remains in such conditions to system? The nature has found the wisest way out of this situation: many systems share on two subsystems - operative and conservative. Operative comes nearer to Wednesday for reception of the new information, conservative keeps away from Wednesday for self-preservation. The same, by the way, it is possible to tell and about other systems social, economic... Here, for example, a soccer team - game system. In it is attacking, and there are defenders and the goalkeeper. One attack, others provide "back". So stability of system raises. And what the nature for stability of system biological has created? Two subsystems, two floors - man's, operative, and female, conservative. Men usually die earlier. It is result of their active contact to Wednesday, "payment" for new knowledge of it. For the woman adaptability is characteristic big . In the conditions of discomfort when environment sends, for example, tests by a cold, female individuals react to it, increasing a layer of hypodermic fat.

Monday, April 7, 2008

- Up To Knowledge Of History And The

- up to knowledge of history and the theory of military art. Kama-sutra motivates compulsion and necessity of a similar all-around development of the person (made, I I remind, in parallel with all-round comprehension of art of love) that the person who has widely developed, will enjoy the big honour in a society, first, the big love and attachment at a subject of the passion, secondly, and the big feeling, self-esteem at itself, thirdly. speaking, it uses the internal possibilities which could remain forever not claimed, for advancement forward on the way which gives to the person happiness, gives all realised completeness of human life. The mighty engine which carries away it forward on this way, is, according to the Tantra, force and pleasure sexual possibilities. It means for "M" and ability and readiness to co-operate absolutely at all levels of dialogue, to remain desired, interesting, unexpected for each other. Once again it is necessary to underline: perfection and self-improvement occur not separately from comprehension of all variations of love game, but in parallel it, intertwining with it.