Saturday, April 28, 2007

.. Whether The Payment Is Great, Whether Is It

.. Whether the payment is great, whether is it unreasonable payment for the short world of delight after which there comes dim space of long powerlessness, indifference, almost agonal weakness? This factor of senselessness and inadequacy of expenses is put in our cogitative device and begins there the analytically-sceptical work. And simultaneously other arguments which advantage is granting of an exit from, apparently, desperate situation for finding of so-called alternative start to work. It: satisfaction from absence of destructive emission of your matter, energy, the information and feeling of master's domination over the sensations of an animal order. It: preservation and increase in the vital potential. It: surprising and delightful possibility to enjoy so long, more than ever before, the excited beauty of shape of the girlfriend, aroma of its hair, softness of its silk skin, plasticity of its body, perfection of all its lines, cliques of its selfless passion. About what small cavils and former conflicts after that there can be a speech? It: delightful, actually human pleasure of talent to the girlfriend of so long caresses which allow it to reveal to the end, to last degree of its abilities.

But Results Of Such Practice Can Be And

But results of such practice can be and rather destructive, despite the preliminary arrangement. How advantages of a swing were declared, here we observe the strong jealousy, even open animosities that does similar relations astable. Such sexual experiments pass not only at revolutionary young men, but also at unmarried and not connected among themselves any strong relations is better. In the presence of mutual gentle respect and attention there is no necessity for an adultery. If it all the same happens, consequences can be improbably destructive. And not only because of jealousy and egoistical requirements of fidelity, but most likely because of deprivation of the spouse of that attention and tenderness which is given to someone to another ". What for family forms practise in "the civilised world"? For example, a family under the marriage contract: it is accurately stipulated in all details, more likely, the business union. In the contract term of marriage relations (on two weeks is underlined or for three years, for example), it is provided possibility of expansion of a circle of members of a family (including for the sake of sexual dialogue), make a reservation property relations and obligations of the parties in relation to possible children etc.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Adrenaline Emission Gives The Chance For Activization Of

Adrenaline emission gives the chance for activization of physical actions, and, hence, suppression of stresses. Intimate caresses instal diverse biochemical laboratory in an organism which will mobilise all its power resources. Glucose accumulation in a liver and in a fatty fabric decrease, means, the figure becomes graceful. Pressure raises, in all without an exception capillaries blood is made up, the skin thanks to it is cleared, in lungs oxygen more actively functions. The hormones getting to blood at the moment of sexual delight, are many times more powerful some morphine, they cause sensation of happiness, ecstasy, and do the person, especially the woman, not sensitive neither to a pain, nor to rise in temperature, to pressure jumps. Whether it is not enough?. And normal work glands and absence of its corkings at men? And improving inflow and blood in bodies of a small basin at women? And man's , soaked up by a vagina and making active as original enzyme all vital processes in a body at the woman? And as the outright release from stresses? And the regular feeling of mental and physical pleasure - whether is regal gift of life? I will not begin to make comments and develop this short list, but I think that from it the direct communication between our successful sexual life and not passing youth of our body and spirit is clear.