Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Author Has Told To Me, What Its

The author has told to me, what its publication on this theme if it interests readers is possible, and differently - that to use to waste time on its statement? The similar situation has arisen once with the book about mutual relations of the man and the woman. He initially also did not think to write it, but a stream of reader's letters in reply to the short chapter "That such love?" In "three whales" has induced it to sit down for this work, that that at you now before eyes. For "Men and women" it has left for a while other work - about principles of healing of the person (which logically continues "Three whales of health", narrating about improvement by the person both itself, and other people). What really I would tell tragically difficult human experiences stood up for letters on complexities of intimate mutual relations! It was not simple at me, but at people happened much worse. More shortly, not my problem in full to argue on principles of recreation of the destiny, successfully applied to me, but here where I have indeed appeared, as they say, on a game, so it in that "a secret of the Chinese tangerines" which has generated a very large stream of letters.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

So I Will State Historical Experience In Own

So I will state historical experience in own interpretation, scooping confidence equally and in great sources, and in the successful practice. The first: a radical reorganisation, turn in thinking of the man. It is necessary to start with a leading principle that your as much as possible full sexual satisfaction, moreover, the happiness consists in satisfaction first of all women. Therefore you should the stereotype, turn on 180 degrees from time immemorial man's representation about as if your primary goal is the member, seed emission, and there though a grass not to grow. That the woman thus feels, whether she has tested clearing flash of all forces of an organism or has received only painful inflow of blood to bodies of a small basin without pleasures - to the knight-fallotsentristu before this any business was not. Though before that it would execute for. The darling from tens arias under a balcony. In the east at all downtroddenness of the woman and lawlessness of its position there was other principle: ability to satisfy its passion was a sign of original courage of its lord.