Friday, January 26, 2007

And Nevertheless Products Has Not Sufficed, And The

And nevertheless products has not sufficed, and the West has been compelled to lay "life road" for food aid delivery. When at Russian it will be restored normal (under the western standards) sexuality, they will cease to find pleasure in a gluttony, - "Playboy" considers. Professor Schultz at university of Bielefeld has conducted researches under the program of studying of influence on health of the person of absence of love. It has come to sensational results. The one who receives not enough love, suffers from a headache, infringement of blood circulation, nervousness and a sleeplessness, painful requirement for excessive meal, gastric is more often. On pages of foreign editions Accident passed, and only the memoirs on it pass before a mind of the lonely aged man who has settled down in a lap of Cleopatra. The mankind was not lost, fertilisation is made nowadays and hygienic way, almost as an inoculation. The epoch of heavy tests was replaced by relative stabilisation. But the culture does not suffer emptiness: the place which has become empty as a result , the delicatessen has occupied.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hence, Training This Muscle, We, Women, Receive More

Hence, training this muscle, we, women, receive more possibilities not only for strengthening of the important zone of the general health, but also for reception sharp sensations. Our men find a source of new joyful sexual feelings. How to strengthen a muscle of Kegelja? Try to send an impulse on its reductions, try during sexual intercourse gently as hand to shake the vagina its moved member. I assure you if to set for myself this problem, it will appear quite solved. To want - means can! I continue conversation on a feast . If you think that after (or series) the feast is finished, you are mistaken. As there is a regal pregame so necessarily there should be a ritual and , and it is more important for you, than for the spouse. As a rule, the man sharply weakens after eruption of a seed and he - on ignorance - would like to fall off and asleep at once. It is impossible! On the sly accustom it to calm gently you and under the schedule hollow a falling curve to enter you into a dream earlier, than to be forgotten most.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

), As Though As It To Understand, Feel, Feel

), As though as it to understand, feel, feel that they are capable to live more brightly, more colourfully, more interestingly, is more volume, more happily, with constantly increasing energy and the increasing creative potential if will manage to raise the family command the face to the Sky! About as I that to the lift which is carrying away us, speaking in images, in comprehension and application clouds in practice universe laws dream, those skiers were picked up, which else to live yes to live! That this lift carried away them from vain on which people become obsolete, and without having understood, what for they have come to this Earth and than their life differs from existence of monocelled bacteria. After all bacteria aspire exclusively to comfortable position, and only this desire defines their actions and reactions, where here about lofty matters... In what solving complexity of change, transition from a trading platform where market, exchange relations where the competition, on the lift using for the movement upwards draught of the cosmogonic law of unity of contrasts dominates reign consists? This complexity roots in necessity of essential change of a scale of our values.