Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Each Of You Always Has A Possibility To

Each of you always has a possibility to think, stop, communicate to itself. With the book. With silence. In a complete silence sometimes much you will hear. We already very long time ago think of you and we pray, heart we for a long time with you. Certainly, for non-believers it is mere words. And those who trusts, know a prayer gives forces. How many tears have been spilt far from you... Calm down. The most elite your people left in boiler-houses and worked for seventy roubles a month. I such know. And today at them the smile, - and for me is the main thing. Test very often cures. Power forces in the person are enormous. If we understood it never and would be afraid of nothing. From interview of the daughter of Russian emigrants of Natali Droen under the name "Each Russian woman for me - honour". Madam have met Valentina Vasejko and Irina Kosenkova Before to be engaged in the chemical analysis of the violent stream which has intruded from Atlantic in our waters, I again and again wish to remind that was not present uniform, absolute for all times and the people of norms of morals (we will recollect the Japanese sons, dragging on the aged mothers upwards, to top of sacred mountain to dump them therefrom in a precipice, - for the sake of sort rescue).