Sunday, November 4, 2007

"M" Will Occupy The Top Third Of Rectangle

"M" will occupy the top third of rectangle of the man imperious in family relations, "patriarchs", obvious and unshakable leaders. Average we will give to "men-men", that is the people capable to a flexible scale of adaptations to features of the partner, to search and a finding of reactions adequate to its actions. Bottom we will give "to men - to sons", that is to the people inclined to that in home life over them supervised, would solve for them. On work it there can be the outstanding inventors, nice oil industry workers, great actors etc., but houses they are happy absence of expenses of own strong-willed energy and a management of the wife. Rectangle construction is similar: above " " empresses, ; in the middle of "the woman-woman", inclined to search of exact reactions in a wide range the relations arising between "M" and, below - women-daughters whom it is cosy and good only behind someone's wide back. Now we will spend lines of obvious combinations. "Patriarch" - a daughter: this fine addition; " " - a sonny: the wonderful steady union (in the presence of a step from both parties, certainly, and provided that " " not in bad hour under hand of any "trainer", to feel, at last, the representative of the weaker sex).