Friday, December 26, 2008

But The Main Thing, You Receive A Kind

But the main thing, you receive a kind unfamiliar to you earlier total, general , bright inspiration which ignites both all body, and all reason, and all subcortex, instead of one head of a member only tickled in a friction. Means of achievement of this skill, this sexual technology the Note: I could read some useful books on this theme (to a semidozen), including well-known for "Dao of Love", Chan Chun-Lana belonging to a feather (which in other sources Jolan Chlan call, Chzhan Zholan or at all Dzholan Chan), written already in 70th years of our century. I have gathered therefrom a lot of efficient, allowed to read it and other manuals to close companions and should tell that as a result of anything at them it has not turned out. It would not turn out and at me if I have not managed to concentrate that is as though dispelled in general in the literature on relations of floors and not to find in other sources connected with yoga and a chi kung important lacking in "Dao of love" a link then all has risen on the places.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

.. And Much, Much Knows Also All Understands. And

.. And much, much knows also all understands. And in the first birthday on March, 2nd, 1990 he has woken up in a bed, I have heard, but pretended that I sleep, and he all looked to me in the person and when I have opened eyes, has risen, has begun to smile, I have approached, he has stretched handles, took it on hands, my heart was hammered, it has started to iron me on the person, very quietly to repeat - mum, mum, will embrace for a neck, will cling to a cheek, kisses, will be discharged, will glance in eyes - mum, mum, - again will cling, again will kiss. My God, I hardly have not descended from mind, such never happened, was involuntarily thought: really thanks for the life presented to it? (After all it is equal one year ago at this time at me waters have departed and me prepared for operation...) And we with it lay in on a sofa, and it all made up, whispered, and I, of course, broke into tears and laughed and kissed, kissed these tiny fingers, a forehead, eyes, cheeks, a chin, a nouse, a tummy, , legs, and all prayed and prayed to God: My God, rescue and keep!.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Struggle Between Them Is Developed On Two Tiny

Struggle between them is developed on two tiny arenas - in two kernels . Unlike the majority of others, nervous cages of these kernels are highly sensitive to sexual hormones, especially one of kernels so-called . And as soon as in blood of infant rats-males appears , it gets in . Here also there is a key event of a sexual differentiation; for ever switches off in nervous cages those genes that code synthesis of fibers-receptors for sexual hormones. Having lost receptors, cages become deaf persons to voices of a female hormone. Cages of other kernel - so-called - at males keep such receptors. And at females the sexual hormones appearing later, have not time to "deafen" nervous cages of both kernels which, hence, keep responsiveness to hormonal chemical signals. the kernel at males also becomes later the major centre of sexual behaviour, and at females - both female sexual, and parent. In particular, the kernel at individuals of a female appears capable to cyclic regulation of activity of a hypophysis.