Saturday, September 15, 2007

So They, Two Cores, Should Meet Opposite Poles

So they, two cores, should meet opposite poles then there is a circle, energy can move. It only at love and if is not present - that are only sexual centres and there is only linear exchange, sexual intercourse. Guru Shri Radzhnish All symbols of Androgina have for an object to specify in necessity of two Beginnings for Space for all its displays for a life and balance. But all legends about affinity of souls are based on great true for unity, merge of two Beginnings are put in the primary law... The Magnet put in the Beginnings, should on an extent transformations and clarification transmutations to collect and unite the separated Beginnings. It also is great end or Space Wreath. Elena Roerich. From the letter from May, 5th, 1934 Indefatigably creating the person in his own image, the Lord introduces in love mutual relations between the man and the woman the higher calling and sense. Pope John-Pavel II. From the book "Thoughts about terrestrial" I know that having read this book, it will re-read, coming back and to those heads in whom direct recommendations contain, and to where it is told about important positions.