Friday, December 28, 2007

It Is Easy To Think That All Is

It is easy to think that all is important advantages, for example, for participants of distant heats. And really, from ten swimmers who have overcome passage La-mansh with the best time, eight - women. But we will return to Adam and Eve: the structure of their bodies initially all the same was a miscellaneous. So, God has allocated with their unequal portions of mercury and gold. Anyhow - in a body of modern women of gold on the average in five-six times more, than in an organism of men. Also has put here at all that women more often than men carry gold chains and rings. Business in something the friend. But in what the science while does not know. Performance of Polish psychobiologist Stanislav Vychurby became one of the most interesting on the congress "the Sexual life, problems and decisions" which has taken place in Zurich in 1991. In its laboratory it is counted up that during a usual kiss 12 muscles of lips work, during a deep kiss still in addition 17 muscles of language. At each deep and strong kiss through a saliva 9 mg of water, 0,7 mg of fibers, 0,711 mg of salts, 0,45 mg of other organic substances are transferred.

Friday, December 21, 2007

It Is Interesting That L.Myers And R.Hunter Liggit

It is interesting that L.Myers and R.Hunter Liggit have noted steady forms of an adultery even at those pairs, whose marriage is, by their own words, ideal, passionate, exciting, close which they never will refuse. Illegitimate sex is perceived there not as replacement, and as necessary addition which at the same time brings pleasure and satisfaction to partners from the outside. Researchers notice that in modern conditions the initiator of an adultery all to a bowl becomes the woman with whom the weakening potentiality of her husband does not arrange. Being given, this woman vigorously takes. The Doctor of Philosophy S. hunger informs that on its supervision in 1969 every third woman, and in 1989 - every second had illegitimate contacts. "I will tell , - he declares, - today practise an adultery number of women concerning men of the end of 60th years". In an adultery the type of steady relations with "the office wife", that is the secretary or the employee to what too there are essential preconditions is especially considered.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Long History Of Development Of A Science

The long history of development of a science convincingly testifies that in mathematical disciplines men dominate. The Woman-mathematician especially well-known, is, more likely, an exception to the rules, than a rule. Transfer only known men-mathematicians would take a lot of place. But there, where it is necessary to include in work mainly speech activity, the palm undoubtedly belongs to women. To take at least experts in simultaneous interpretation from one language on another. In this business by leaders women are... In reply to a presentation it has appeared to men and women of a different type of information that at "a strong" floor great difficulties arise at processing and mastering of a speech material. The numerical information and music are acquired by them much easier. At women just all is differently. "Autographs" of their brain say that words for them are native elements. To remember to their women does not represent the big work. And here a numerical material and musical - that is another matter.

Friday, December 14, 2007

And It Is Perfect In East Style Hospitably

And it is perfect in east style hospitably and carefully always supported well-being of both women when those were young, and further when they have grown old and became ailing. . By a youth of the years of that time and former belief that one husband and one wife are given to the person once and for all, I marvelled then to this amicable, concordant union, and now well I understand that its all participants have found unique for them harmony of relations in that individual situation which between them has developed. At the man and at all women who have appeared in it, has got wisdom, a sincere step, economically-sober and simultaneously noble thinking that not only lost-free to leave non-standard position, but, on the contrary, to live happily and financially safely. Here also will continue the analysis of evolution of marriage relations in our world with one only scientific aspiration to understand its essence on a present stage and possible prospects. First of all at once and unequivocally we notice that for a modern western society the aspiration to traditional type of a family is dominating! The overwhelming majority of men and women both in the theory and in practice profess that marriage which is consecrated by Christian church.

Monday, December 10, 2007

As Was To Be Shown. Here The Second

As was to be shown. Here the second condition: a constant holiday of soul and a body, thanks to an operating time of your sexual harmony and love perfection. Many the marriage unions and in general communications " - " break up because of sexual discrepancy of partners. I dare to assert that in most cases discrepancy this surmountable, follows only rationally, is system, to approach to it as learnt me my Petrusha, it a pillar of a mathematical science, PeA as its employees accustomed to formulas named. It is necessary to work only for this purpose, sometimes it is a little, and sometimes - seriously - for the sake of sexual pleasure and the consent. What themselves they represent from the point of view of the physician or the physiologist? It both sympathetic, and parasympathetic nervous system. This aggravation not only sight and hearing, but also development of intuitive abilities. Whether it is not enough? But it only the beginning! Devices mark in love launch increase in protective properties of blood and increase of percent thrown out in blood , and it means that resistibility of an organism to illnesses increases and there is the fastest illnesses.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Also Has Put At All That New Relations

Also has put at all that new relations are new exciting sexual paints on the general palette of feelings, but also available joint business interests and experiences which in a life of modern people pretty often occupy a leading position. It is noticed that to young women such form of relations allows not to care any time of material conditions for creation of a family and not to risk an error in very a serious choice of the basic spouse, the father of future children. To men who do not need to break a steady family life to communicate with the person who is connected with it on work more conveniently and more easy. In all cases numerous researchers of an adultery believe that in the psychological relation he plays a positive role when the second family partner is not advised of communications of the first for even at wide liberal views the given situation is constantly explosive. Leon Zaltsman (branch of psychiatry of the state hospital in Bronx, New York), reflecting on extremely form of an adultery, a so-called swing, too believes that spouses - business dangerous:" In a matrimonial swing where the adultery as the form of the mutual agreement between spouses on an exchange of sexual partners practises, change is opened, for all is known and often does not break the developed relations.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

This Originally Human Ability Absolutely Unknown And Impossible,

This originally human ability absolutely unknown and impossible, certainly, in fauna. (Yes there it also is not required: after all animals, birds and fishes copulate exclusively for the sake of a continuation of the family). I remind: actually biological does not leave anywhere, the number of its inclusions simply decreases. Author's updating. I highly appreciate Egor's based on its personal successful experience the practical advice, and agreeing with it, I wish to add only that they at all their external amateur performance entirely lean against the base of that theory and practice which I named "a secret Chinese tangerines"). Confirming to the told I quote the book "Dao of Love": "The man who is not owning Dao of Love, is similar to a gourmet testing constant bent for to a favourite dish, but limited in its satisfaction in volume of the stomach. The poor Romans, so loving is tasty to eat that have been compelled" "just eaten to accept the next portion of a delicacy, used a method reminding to me of action of modern lovers.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

And The Recipe. Academician Mikulina - Some Times

And the recipe. Academician Mikulina - some times in day to press to the person a napkin that with hot, with cold water? Here business not only in training of vessels of a skin on contrast, but also in saturation by its moisture. It is possible to recollect its two photos: in sixty and in eighty years - differences between them actually are not present. As to creams and masks really, to be wiser than the nature it to is impossible: it is necessary to put masks on a pure skin from such make-shifts, as a potato, carrots, apples or a pumpkin; a sauerkraut; cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream or curdled milk; vegetable oil or porridge; cucumbers, a yolk or fiber, that is all live. I would advise to remember idle time of a word "MEAL", in decoding it means that you take almost any neutral cream for a skin and there vitamins E, and A.Takoj the structure effectively rejuvenates the tired, dried out face skin, a neck and hands - is checked up on itself! On itself it is checked up also that is better to wash hair not , not with soaps, but - black bread.

Monday, December 3, 2007

With Laughter And Pleasure We Have Imitated All

With laughter and pleasure we have imitated all zones recommended by a high science, have tested them (about, this delightful game has occupied not less than month!) on sensitivity also were persuaded that Nastja will state them an estimation from +2 ("very much it is pleasant", " ") to-2 ("it is not necessary is better, discourages"). Under silent, but hot music in magic twilight, being sometimes forgotten, and sometimes and roaring with laughter, as naughty schoolboys, we caressed each other innocently for the time being while the invincible desire did not throw us in close embraces each other. At first " " this was stored, but has then got lost, and the need in it was not, for we already knew, how and when ears, a neck, a mouth, lips, dummies, shoulders, , a waist, a bottom of a stomach, a buttock, internal surfaces of hips and, certainly, all major parts of "magic gate", first of all, , - the body specially created by the nature only for female voluptuousness behave. We had also such "games".

And However Inevitability Of Synthesis . Its Approach

And however inevitability of synthesis . Its approach is certainly defined and guaranteed by such factor, is larger which in general than anything in wildlife is not present also which on any curve will not go round. This factor radical distinction of the man's and female nature. And the more and further, as it is peculiar to her, individuality of each person - men and women will develop, the its fundamental structural basis which is completely capable to realise itself only in unity with fundamental structure of an opposite sex will more distinctly appear. It is the universal law of a universe which in east philosophy is defined as eternal unity of the beginnings of In and Jan, in the physicist - as unity of opposite poles, in the mathematician - as obligatory existence of opposite actions and signs, in - as light and darkness, particles and antiparticles. And if at level the uniting beginning of two worlds, man's and female, the powerful both insuperable requirement and necessity for a continuation of the family is (about, what magic means, and pleasures the nature has prepared that the hard and uneasy most important thing in a life has put it would be for comprehension of the higher delight!) That at level of synthesis the person is allocated, pulled out upwards from fauna.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

It Has Appeared That The Phallus Size -

It has appeared that the phallus size - business as the small member at excitation increases more seriously, than big, and a plastic female vagina quickly adapts to its any size. So, the harmony reached by clever preparation is beneficial for it. But it is beneficial and for you because includes all possibilities for yours , that is the maximum, stunning explosion of all feelings. Other of sexologists assert that - the child is exclusive origins. Others that female can be different localisation: or , and this message is a good news for women as expands number equally possible, including favourite with them of poses. But actually, all is much more difficult and more richly for first of all it is defined by mentality of the woman. At others it is possible to irritate endlessly in the most good-quality ways, but will not come. And to other spouse only will touch, and it immediately will shake, and all will occur on the higher class. The matter is that in the first case or the man is not pleasant, or the woman is psychologically completely not ready, and in the second case she already has flaked out in advance in delightful expectation.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

, And So Forth How Many It Is Necessary

, and so forth How many it is necessary to make? A little. It should not be concentrates: on dessertspoons of different components on boiled water litre. Better let after short this mix within several hours under a pillow is drawn and extended, than to drink at once immensely dense " ". How many it is necessary to drink? Two-three glasses in day, no more. Here it is not necessary to be overzealous. And still, repeated certainly destroys unstable vitamin C, therefore it is better to store balm for heat in a thermos. And to drink it it is possible with honey or a sweet, but not with milk (it in the given combination will brake destruction of sclerous plaques in vessels). As they say, bon appetit! But tone up and vitaminize itself you you can and should not only from within, but also outside: this game costs ! Body skin in general both a face skin and necks in particular - here object of our attention. Many if not the majority of women and even professional cosmeticians believe that nutritious creams and masks business is reparable.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Secretly From Each Other Wrote Notes With Frank

Secretly from each other wrote notes with frank desires in number of five - for itself and for another. The more we learnt each other and modulations of the moods, the our points more coincided. We have ceased to play about it when we became almost ideal. Should tell frankly that novelty searches even more often proceeded from Anastass, and the conservative satisfaction "the reached results" went from me is more often, and such its relaxedness I very much valued and was proud, because I have once received this woman from destiny clamped and awkward, and present fire was my creation, the surprising, magnificent creation, just about ready to surpass the teacher. In this place for the sake of conscientiousness of a statement I should notice, as the woman to some extent should change invariable "code number", the "a telephone code" at a meeting with the new partner: it depends, of course, first of all on a parity of their genitals and other physical possibilities. And it is natural, for each time conducts other individual parity to the favourite, most desired poses.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

"M" Will Occupy The Top Third Of Rectangle

"M" will occupy the top third of rectangle of the man imperious in family relations, "patriarchs", obvious and unshakable leaders. Average we will give to "men-men", that is the people capable to a flexible scale of adaptations to features of the partner, to search and a finding of reactions adequate to its actions. Bottom we will give "to men - to sons", that is to the people inclined to that in home life over them supervised, would solve for them. On work it there can be the outstanding inventors, nice oil industry workers, great actors etc., but houses they are happy absence of expenses of own strong-willed energy and a management of the wife. Rectangle construction is similar: above " " empresses, ; in the middle of "the woman-woman", inclined to search of exact reactions in a wide range the relations arising between "M" and, below - women-daughters whom it is cosy and good only behind someone's wide back. Now we will spend lines of obvious combinations. "Patriarch" - a daughter: this fine addition; " " - a sonny: the wonderful steady union (in the presence of a step from both parties, certainly, and provided that " " not in bad hour under hand of any "trainer", to feel, at last, the representative of the weaker sex).

Thursday, October 25, 2007

But, As They Say, Gilding Will Be Erased,

But, as they say, gilding will be erased, the pigskin remains. All beauty of wonderful artificial transformation - are secondary. Let the person will be naturally fresh, instead of is smeared-shining, let hair will be dense, how a mane then on them it will be possible to blind any hairdress-fantasy, let lips will be filled by scarlet blood, let it is brightly shone through a skin what can be finer? Whether it is necessary a live, red, magnificent berry a raspberry or a cranberry?. Try to wipe since morning lips a lemon and to massage a brush, there and then you will visually be convinced of that, how much it is more effective some lipstick. Search in a make-up, in my opinion, gives out age, instead of masks it. To put it briefly, make-up arts I will not concern, I will give only one advice: never underline on the person simultaneously both lips, and eyes: it will turn out loudly on-kukljachi, and search of accents will not allow to understand expressiveness of the main element which you just and wished to draw to yourself attention.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

To Give More Joyfully, Than To Take, Not

To give more joyfully, than to take, not because it means refusal of something, that is why that this my vital self-expression. From the book of philosopher E.Fromm "Art to love" It is impossible for the person to live without love and consequently that it is the main choosing force in a life. The life is similar huge, extensively to an infinite stream which falls upon us and bears us with itself. It is impossible to live everything that it bears; it is impossible to be given to this turning chaos of maintenances. Who will try to make it, that will spend and will ruin itself: it leaves nothing, or it will be lost in . It is necessary to choose: to refuse from very many for the sake of rather little; this little should be involved, protected, appreciated, saved, raised and improved. And to it to build the person. Choosing force is love. She "prefers" it, " ", "is stuck", appreciates, protects, solicits and observes fidelity. And the will is only the love tool in this vital making. The will without love is empty, stale, rigid, violent and, the main thing, is boundless to good and harm.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

While Women Concern Passing Comments As To Attack

While women concern passing comments as to attack to them, men consider that it is the conversation form. Who aspires to unity? Women say such words as "you" and "we" which give confidence to the interlocutor and help to feel a generality of sights is much more often. Men do not like to establish the fact or simply to express the opinion. Some wives are offended by authoritative tone. Probably, they do not understand that it is courage display, instead of senses of superiority. What is important? Women discuss the problems with each other, exchange experience and try to overpersuade the interlocutor. The man holds the opinion that if the woman discusses with it a problem, means, she asks it for suggestions. Actually she simply searches for the sympathising interlocutor. Psychologist Aeron Bek The technics of "M" and that they could create the power is absolutely opposite is abrupt. A vagina - a negative pole of a female body, and a breast positive. And at the man - a negative pole on a breast, and positive on a penis.

Money, The Power, Success, The Real Estate -

Money, the power, success, the real estate - all these values in the market world have the status higher, than love. Certainly, neither the world as a whole, nor the separate person rynochno-cost relations do not keep within one only. But let's agree nevertheless that in the main till now defining reproductive function (from a continuation of the family there is no place to disappear!) exchange, consumer qualities were and are a basis of relations of the majority of men and women in this world. "The husband loves the wife healthy, the wife loves the husband rich", - that it is possible to oppose to this old saying? Absolutely anything - the same as clearing of the male or a female in fauna, so far as they cease on force or hierarchical possibilities to correspond to the partner. Well, and at people? And if the wife became unhealthy, and the husband has grown poor? Certainly, the court fast and just is pretty often managed. But that's just the point that not always!. In that the direction of evolution of mankind also consists that it, gradually growing from fauna that it, breaking for limits of market relations, pretty often is guided by values spiritual as on higher, than values consumer.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Note: This Ability At The Realised Desire

The note: this ability at the realised desire to detain the violent sex explosion, i.e. Emission of live substance after which there comes an internal devastation and small similarity of death, leads the man to other, new, higher quality in which appear are involved both the body, and its spirit, and the woman finds not only pleasure numerous and full , but also opens in itself unknown to it before surprising possibilities. In physiology you win because the certificate increases many times over, and you test incommensurable pleasure from these long wonderful tactile sensations, from this extended contact to a plastic, gentle, divine body of the girlfriend and its silky hair, from its contemplation the person changed by passion, from its delight, from sense of smell of its excited smelling sweet skin. In your psychology the holiday of the blessing granted by you accrues. The pleasure of donation by the nature is a lot of above and more spiritually pleasure of reception of a gift, and here you also receive long wonderful close bright dialogue, and give happiness, royally present! Because it is capable to present not once, but endlessly, and it glorifies you really, you indeed become another, and not just to another seem in the eyes! It is expensive costs, as you from time to time (we will tell, on the tenth time) can find, eventually, and blinding burning emission-orgazm habitual to you.

Monday, October 1, 2007

We Will Ponder: After All Now Relations Of

We will ponder: after all now relations of people in love repeat, they simply copy commodity, market relations (about which the western journalist Sheri Rudavski has so precisely told with absolute and naive confidence of firmness of a similar order of things, epigraphs to the Conclusion see). The person of the market world estimates all time, as for how many it can buy or exchange, and is better than all turn, of course, any the businessman more favourably. I, the man, from positions of cost relations, have the certain consumer price, you, the woman, - the. Here also we will estimate that how much: Whether we will run together for a while, having exchanged particles of commodity cost, whether we conclude the strong mutually beneficial alliance fixed by comprehensively issued marriage contract. And love?. And the love pretty often appears or sweet physiological sensation, or flash passions, and in general in parts of cases - an equivalent of a habit or successful material acquisition.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Recollect, How It Was Capable To Overcome All

Recollect, how it was capable to overcome all obstacles those years and months, when . Whether there was in the world a force, capable to prevent your appointment?. And here you approach to new fine change from set of dishes on a feast of the elite: to pregame! The French philosopher Montaigne has precisely told that the woman who lays down with the man, together with a dress should reject bashfulness (and then together with a dress again to find it). The lady you should be in a drawing room or at office, and in a bedroom your business to appear the odalisque, to be the woman of easy virtue. About, what broadest choice of erotic imaginations opens before you! There are no such zones on a body, there are no such caresses which would be inaccessible to you, beginning from kisses in all their infinite variety and before game with genitals. Mutual searches and opening of the most exciting you (and it) points, lines and places which can be in the most unexpected corners of a body are especially fascinating at the beginning.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

On It I Stop Intrusion Not In The

On it I stop intrusion not in the zone. My business natural, natural factors of health. Let's begin with a bearing. Very much I ask you to remember only two words: the beauty is functional. What does it mean with reference to your unfading youth? It means that you should straighten-unbend shoulders and to ennoble-lift a chin. According to Russian , on the bent neck only the fool will not knock, therefore when you will be unbent, to the article at once will declare to the world the found confidence and self-respect. It - is a lot of in the plan psychological from a position of self-affirmation equal in rights, instead of an ordered about role among associates you people - colleagues, neighbours, relatives. It is important and from the point of view of your emotionally-sexual image: at the straightened shoulders your breasts do not hang any more faded grapes, but rise, as two pistols - with private, but the rigid requirement: "Hands up!" And, believe, passers understand this command very much even well and correctly! To become especially significant harmonous for normal course of physiological processes: at the developed shoulders lungs also are ventilated better, and air type more, and the backbone when it does not stoop, in regular intervals distributes weight of all body that reduces fatigue, and carries out functions of circulation of energy in a spinal cord is better.

This Process Of Addition Is Called . The

This process of addition is called . The person in itself is harmonious cannot be, considers Augustinavichjute, it is harmonious only together with precisely supplementing it . Marriage is not only sexual partnership, this mental expansion of the person. The trouble if the choice is extremely narrowed, or is time to marry has come so that sexual revolt of a flesh is capable to break any reasonable approaches, and the person, probably, will for ever lose the best for it . And after all people with mentality are ill less and faster recover. Yes, all it is fine in the theory but how to find to itself practically? learns that is better steams in which logiko - the touch extrovert gravitates to the etiko-intuitive introvert are combined, or the etiko-intuitive extrovert is in the union with the etiko-touch introvert. Here I will a little brake for some reasons: first, in what laboratories and where can define my type and my darling? Secondly, why those steams where he, say, loves a crust are considered only, and it a crumb and consequently they are on friendly terms but how to be, if they have closely made friends because of the general love to a crumb? Thirdly, how to be, if with a course of time tastes have exchanged, a teeth, for example, at the person has ground up, crusts became difficult for chewing, and from the extrovert it has turned to the introvert? In general, let will excuse me and as before that I delicately asked pardons from an astrology, but the science is represented to me meanwhile not the most reliable support under a foot, searching repeat.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

All Right Has Executed. Also Has Promised To

All right has executed. Also has promised to a tsarevna that now at it all time will support an order. And more she never cried tears combustible, and it was necessary I reign the word to constrain, and they have gone fair yes for . And I there was, medical beer of saws, on moustaches flew, yes to a mouth has not got. Tsarevna-nesmejana and the soldier. From fairy tales - I understand only one, - Roschin has deafly told and has turned away, that she did not see its deformed person, - this your heart is dazzling a live point in this chaos. Katya... To us it is impossible to be separated... Katya has silently answered: - I was not dared to tell to you... Well, where to us to leave, the friend my darling... - Ekaterina Dmitrievna, - Roschin has spoken, taking in hands its thin hand and continuing to go slowly under the wide prospectus which has calmed down in twilight in which end the evening dawn still could not burn down, will pass years, wars will cease, will cease revolutions, and imperishable there will be only one - mild, gentle, favourite your heart.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

So They, Two Cores, Should Meet Opposite Poles

So they, two cores, should meet opposite poles then there is a circle, energy can move. It only at love and if is not present - that are only sexual centres and there is only linear exchange, sexual intercourse. Guru Shri Radzhnish All symbols of Androgina have for an object to specify in necessity of two Beginnings for Space for all its displays for a life and balance. But all legends about affinity of souls are based on great true for unity, merge of two Beginnings are put in the primary law... The Magnet put in the Beginnings, should on an extent transformations and clarification transmutations to collect and unite the separated Beginnings. It also is great end or Space Wreath. Elena Roerich. From the letter from May, 5th, 1934 Indefatigably creating the person in his own image, the Lord introduces in love mutual relations between the man and the woman the higher calling and sense. Pope John-Pavel II. From the book "Thoughts about terrestrial" I know that having read this book, it will re-read, coming back and to those heads in whom direct recommendations contain, and to where it is told about important positions.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

But What Was; Its Surprise When It Have

But what was; its surprise when it have moved in the rooms taken away for it where the bed for it dimmed just Fatima whom, low bowing, has left, the master of the house and the visitor!. With all frankness and adherence to principles Ivan Ivanovich, at once having sobered up, has asked a public prosecutor's question, say, to Balkhash: "Yes as you can, such-sjakoj, is so inhumane address with the woman who has given you all life? Has translated, you see in servants, and itself you play with young-beautiful! Excuse, the brother, I to you will tell directly, in a front way: so it is not necessary!" Then Balkhash, too having sobered up and having broken laws of east politeness which do not order to argue with the dear visitor, has severely objected it: "Excuse, Ivan Ivanovich, and I, directly, on - the front will answer you that it at you, at Russian, is not present any humanity: when the woman will grow old, you on divorce from the house expel her or on the party to go, and she from it suffers.

Yes Unless For The Sake Of Finding Of

Yes unless for the sake of finding of similar possibility, unique for the person, there is no sense to work ? Also start up free women show to the world the powerful possibilities: whether (Norwegians) will cross three together on skis Greenland, whether (Frenchwomen) three together run 6700 km through Sahara, and start up any anxious men do to itself operations to address in women, and any women, address in men is absolutely nothing does not change in a core of that huge specific continent " - " which is certain by a universe. IVAN-YES-MARJA THOUGHTS ALOUD (Termination) Epigraphs to the head About my most favourite! And really, love pleasures in which both of us with pleasure indulged, were then for me are so pleasant that they cannot lose for me a charm though how many to be erased from the memory. Where I have addressed, they everywhere are to my eyes and raise my desires... God the witness that I all my life was afraid more to offend you, rather than God, and aspired to please you, than it more.

Friday, August 31, 2007

What Will It Be? It Will Be Something

What will it be? It will be something similar to flash of a lightning between clouds and the earth or occurrence of the mighty electric category between two huge metal spheres-poles. And the first pole is the your altruistic consciousness directed on a delay for the sake of full long satisfaction of the woman, and the giant energy of the internal centres - second this saturation (four bottom charkas if to resort to terminology Indian ). Here I wish to pay special attention that this explosion is directed not on a start of your forces outside, but opposite: two before opened, half will be closed also all flash similar to nuclear explosion after connection of two parts of a charge till the sizes of critical weight, will be turned in itself. I do not know, whether it is possible to name a similar condition for it conducts to huge increase of your forces, instead of to their emission, but similar inspiration which, obviously, is similar to a condition , is worthy of it, that it to test. Once again: such game costs , expenses of time and the concentrated attention will pay off not , and is thousandfold.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

If From Empirical Test Of Tastes At Small

If from empirical test of tastes at small restaurant again to tower before scientific generalisations and to aim at resonant wave compatibility, on free interchange on all channels of possible gravitation here us inevitably attracts very important, but a little known while knowledge area . is the science whenever possible objectively defining type of your person. There are no good or bad types, but there are good or bad relations of people because of compatibility or incompatibility of their types so learns , and prompt , the best for this business where these types face: if on work - workers, if in a family - family. The basis accepted now for definition are Charles Gustav Junga's sixteen psychological types. The Lithuanian psychologist Aushra Augustinavichjute in the work "the Theory relations" (1982) on the basis of the integrated approach to psychological types has created model from eight symbols, capable to foretell that will be from their combinations. According to this model (and, the main thing, life practice) people well feel when find the opposite pole corresponding to supplementing.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Parisian Magazine "Figaro-shop" Has Printed The Big

The Parisian magazine "Figaro-shop" has printed the big material in which opens mechanics of finding of similar "brides" it come from Hong Kong and Manila men from Germany, Switzerland, France, the USA and other prosperous countries. Its conclusion: succeeding business is based in this case on poverty of one party and aspiration to own still not liberated women - another. Such are world customs. The press informs on discrimination of women at employment everywhere though here, praise to prelates, the CIS has caught up with Japan! The newspaper of Academy of sciences "Search" informs that at auction of graduates of the Moscow power institute representatives of the enterprises - of customers ominously kept silent, when on a tribune graduates - even with the highest rating point were represented, even round honours pupils, but auction cards have started gleaming also passions have begun to boil, when personnel officers began to "buy up" young men even with a weak rating. So eighty girls have appeared objectionable "girls without dowry" for in the conditions of a market economy to take little girls who in a year "will skip away" in a maternity leave, - there are no bad! "To catch up and overtake!" Nevziraja on any difficulties our power holds absolute superiority of the world on number of the women working in a national economy of the country.

Thanks For Attention. To You! Author's Updating. More

Thanks for attention. to you! Author's updating. More and more time I express sincere gratitude to Egor for a statement of a question not only diligent, but even the creative. I only would like to accent some essential moments extremely necessary for calm of enough wide range of men in its words. Judging by letters, at many a true trouble (for them and their girlfriends) is immensely fast emission of a seed: has hardly touched - and all is already ready! About what here games it is possible to speak... I Ask to understand that the grief it is reparable, if: - The bosom at the girlfriend at the crucial moment will be humidified or even rehumidified (and as it to achieve, Egor has told); - You will shift a considerable part of movements not on a sensitive head of a member, and on its root, and it means, what it is necessary to find such poses when it takes root as it is possible more deeply, and your movements are directed on study and surfaces of a bosom by a back (work? Work? And as! "On a freebie" here not to pass); - You will learn for the sake of your general big pleasure to be self-controlled, will learn explosive accruing desire not to give in by means of different ways: that.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

At Us Differently: As Lived Fatima In That

At us differently: as lived Fatima in that house where all her life has passed, and lives, as the husband cared of its comfortable existence so to the death and cares, both she was engaged on an economy, and continues to itself in pleasure, moreover the young assistant in the improvised has received. Here also tell, who from us the humanist, and at whom customs and heart the severe?" And villages on an ottoman both Ivan Ivanovich has reflected and has answered frankly: "Excuse me, Balkhash, I without having thought, because your custom to me was unknown, and I judged under laws of ours where we to descent did not give to bigamists..." So we will judge those changes which have interfered with life of our society, not under firm laws , and with attempt to understand the reason of their occurrence and increase. By the way, I recollect and how in our old institute have approached to the answer to a similar uneasy question differently, than Ivan Ivanovich approached to it: the instructions from the Vasileostrovsky district committee of the CPSU have arrived to state an appropriate estimation with apropos certain our outstanding scientist.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Therefore The Female Thought As Though More Emotionally

Therefore the female thought as though more emotionally man's, and man's feeling is as though more rational female. Writer Jury Rjurikov The brain of the man and brain of the woman differ from each other since the birth. Basis of such distinction is the tiny part of a brain which is called , - this part is various at men and at women on a structure and on functions. Here some examples of such distinction: - The well-known intuition of the woman inherit biologically, i.e. Receive together with a brain; - women "read" persons is much better and more full understand a sign language and a mimicry (even involuntary) the interlocutor; - women are much more sensitive; they instantly notice change of mood of surrounding people, catch each inexact information; - women, as a rule, are much more capable in linguistics, than men. Their speech differs complexity and completeness. They are stronger in grammar and in studying of foreign languages, as, however, as well as in reading... Women also are much more sensitive to smells, sounds and touches - they on much faster and more sharply men react to occurrence or change of these .

Friday, August 3, 2007

A Live Food, , Movement, Say, Everything, On

A live food, , movement, say, everything, on restoration and strengthening of my health, I will actively put in action, and all family I will force to work in this plan that the arisen new soul was surrounded only with very healthy people. Our general aura surrounding it should become faultless. It will be even more important to be prepared to me for a desired meeting in the plan spiritual. Yes, the new soul yet does not know that we will meet it, but I already in every way the soul love it and consequently to it at me it will be very good. I will prepare very seriously for a meeting with it. The author told to us with Egor once how it starts healing of the heaviest patients: he asks the person alone with itself(himself) and only for itself is absolutely impartial and even is ruthless, as though from outside, to make the list of the lacks, to recollect the dark or bad acts, the negative qualities. To recollect, to condemn them, to refuse them, sincerely to regenerate, because these cavities of spirit first of all and were a deep source of physical disease.

Monday, July 23, 2007

, Etc. By Means Of The Marriage Contract, Reveal

, etc. By means of the marriage contract, reveal and fix the representations about harmonious relations in marriage. How still expresses itself the conflict between the sovereignty of the self-valuable person and the sovereignty of a traditional family? In existence of the most different variants of mutual relations "M" and. As wrote Dalila Akivis after the Moscow conference of the International union of the organisations of the help to a family ( ): "In a life the most different variants of the family device co-exist - when people do not register marriage, but live together when marriage is registered, but prefer to live separately when the child is raised by one of parents or both which are not considering with the husband and the wife; even after divorce the family is perceived not as a pity, tragical fragment and as a special viable organism - it name reconstructed. And all kinds of families, how many them was, are absolutely equal in rights, all are held in respect also support - by a principle: not the person for a family, and a family for the person.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

I Have Passed Through Hot Love (not One)

I have passed through hot love (not one) and through fiery passion (and not once). I have passed through wars, blockade and camp. I saw so much sufferings and death! And I speak to you, Nastja: your female wisdom, your will, your loving heart - here where hranitsja-remains a steady kernel of all this poor and great mankind! Are loved and breed, - so as if the Lord to the first people has enjoined, and in any way it is impossible to evade from this precept to people present, however the life would be difficult! Start up subtilize and celebrate the passions on the power ambitious men: their century is short, they will pass and will leave, and the people remain, his life proceeds. And I who have crossed oceans of happiness and oceans of a grief the old woman, which destiny did not grant the child but only has in the evening of life palmed off the drunk the lanky fellow - the cousin nephew (it is necessary to care of someone!), I ask you: give birth, give birth to Egor to the child! It will be also my child whom I will love all The parent force.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

, Etc. I Will Note Here One Very

, etc. I will note here one very much an important point: all these convincing reasonings in favour of new kinds of the marriage, based on firm representation about sanctity and apriority of a personal freedom, start with the right of the free person to find steady harmony of soul and a body only for themselves favourite (favourite). Not I will begin while make comments analytical reasonings on this postulate on possibility of independent, individual harmony, we will have a look still, what arguments show roughly developing public, economic, political activity in favour of nonconventional kinds and forms of family relations. Violently blossoming international and domestic research literature in glory of an adultery (matrimonial change) has captivated sexology fields last years. If to simplify a problem to a kernel all these grants prove utility of polygamy (multicourage), in other words necessity of a parallel large-family life for one person. If marriage - business diverse and multiple, also communication with someone out of monogamous marriage, whether short-term, whether long, - versions of modern, nonconventional marriage relations all it too.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I Can Precisely Tell In All "M" And,

I can precisely tell in all "M" and, anxious in the size (or ) the sexual differences: literally to each size in any of combinations there are for a meeting the most respective positions. In the presence of joyful feeling and sanguineous desire all business is defined exclusively by ability of lovers, and here - first of all man's - I and talk about this ability. Ability it begins with the alphabet: And obligatory cleanliness, I would tell, fragrant cleanliness of yours " spears" which you hand over for game to the girlfriend and which you are going to pierce it. The smell a stench from that is dirty-white greasing that has gathered for put-other pleated an extreme flesh of your member, or from not washed off urine is capable to force a vagina of the woman irrespective of its mood to be closed as shutter of an oyster, and her, or not, to have to your a fastidious feeling. And only - in a habit to elementary, I underline - to elementary alphabetical hygiene which should become usual like a strict toothbrushing.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hardly, However, Somebody Can Name Its Healthy, Economic

Hardly, however, somebody can name its healthy, economic or aesthetic. On the contrary, it is possible to tell that the pair using principles of Dao of Love, has possibility beyond all bounds to enjoy a favourite dish. However, hardly someone can give an unambiguous answer on a question that such love without . To a certain extent it is so ridiculous, as a question of the blind: what is "blue colour"? Therefore I can put a counterquestion: and on what is similar ? Certainly, it is possible to tell that is "explosive" a certain pressure. Something like shout of fury, laughter explosion etc. But if it corresponds to true, I with the equal right can tell that the coition without is too , but not having character of explosion. This pleasure, the granted condition of a pacification which are not accompanied by violent suppression of someone's will. This ecstatic condition passing in "dissolution" in something greater, than mine "I". This experience of the unity with a universe, instead of feeling of the separateness from it.

Friday, June 29, 2007

It Both Your Volshebno-fine And Seductive Shape, Let

It both your volshebno-fine and seductive shape, let us assume, in the most thin dressing gown or a peignoir, especially attracting in a twilight, at unostentatious hearing unostentatious and pleasant music, at poorly smelling sweet Indian sticks. It and your tender handles, skilfully and rhythmically baring an extreme flesh of its member. It and your mouth in which the dozing penis will turn to the mighty inflated phallus. And your vagina capable - at some your skills - to accept it the semiintense member of the friend and almost instantly to transform it in firm similarity a tusk. For this purpose you should learn in position sitting from above a head of its member to a limit and to absorb its already well greased, damp vagina. And, pay attention, your tactfulness, cheerful encouragement, your love dialogue with it when to you pleasantly and delightfully its each touch, will make absolutely wonderful effect: you will find not only possibility of complete pleasure, but - and it is much more important! The friend grateful, infinitely betrayed and adhered to you.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

And After Guard In Night Hour To Enter

And after guard in night hour to enter and be embodied in us. From Maria's female verses Shkapsky. (20th of XX century) If the birth of children is light going from love this light goes from the big fire. And on this incessant fire in which all mankind and all world burns, are developed, all forces of human spirit and the genius. From the book "Art and love", belonging to a feather Peter Uspenskogo, pupil George Gurdzhieva At one woman was twelve sons and all she named Victors. When it have asked, as she distinguishes them, she has answered: "On a patronymic". You my thoughts the such: Heavenly blueness - is light, clear. In a transparency of deep paints of inexplicable cleanliness, with eyes of blue dreams you have stopped, having lifted the child that it could look at a way leaving to a grove to a shining brightly fog. And on your person Rest and Good fortune - two your companions and each woman who is ready to suffer and wait, when the child - to it, the first to it, will say the just about born word.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

- A Name Writing On These Themes -

- a name writing on these themes - a legion. But why, why about almost universal fading of love, about its disappearance as about not which fatal law if to take process from its origin, there is nothing serious, noteworthy? Not to consider as the answer to a problem put by the validity, assemblies whining, generally trite songs?. This book began with a joke where basic words were "on a freebie". Yes, the main reason of constant wrecks in love is a universal unavailability to concern it as to the business demanding not less serious preparation, than a trade, business, the market, demanding and a constant " ", the perfection, new . In the world where to "have" is a word-motto, all forces leave on finding of this manor, and on spiritual development, on self-realisation in love does not remain neither desires, nor possibilities. A curve way! A spiritless civilisation. And, the main thing, public opinion is focused so that the people even possessing to those both forces, and solid potentials, believe that more respectable employment is, for example, cultivation of a new, additional site of a garden-kitchen garden, than a drying up tree of the feelings.

Monday, June 11, 2007

As To Appearance Here Already Without Any Exception

As to appearance here already without any exception men have appeared more exacting: in all countries they appreciate this quality above, than women. At all kinds the game of survival is called as a continuation of the family. Some scientists have assumed that biological distinctions between men and women cause radical distinctions in their strategy of reproduction. Accordingly men consider appearance of the potential spouse as a sign of reproductive value. Beauty ideals help them to define age of the woman and, hence, to estimate its ability to a continuation of the family. Women in another way approach to this game. They search for men who will provide their children with vast resources. Within the limits of the western culture it is expressed in financial well-being. Journalist Sheri Rudavski. Whom we choose Anthropologists Daniel Maltts and Rut Borkur have allocated five main distinctions in a manner of dialogue of men and women. Who asks questions? When the man and the woman talk, more questions the woman sets, considering that it is one of ways of maintenance of conversation.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

It Never From Anybody Did Not Hide The

It never from anybody did not hide the truth, did not resort to any dodges. Its passion to unexpected travel and adventurous adventures is possibility to learn something new. Meetings with strangers, dialogue with them to full affinity display all the same all-devouring curiosity. That is especially characteristic: the similar way of life allows it to live in the full consent with itself and as she believes, to slow down process of ageing and to avoid fear before death: after all for the short life she has lived already as though not one, and set of lives. It is asked, unless its way - one of many - not a way of acquisition of the steady internal harmony inherent in the given individual person? Sherli Maklejn only in the pointed form has expressed the relation at a marriage from outside women, completely free from obligations to someone except itself. Theorists and reformers of new forms of marriage, moving ways parallel to it, put forward following arguments: - Illegitimate sexual communications - unless it is the most essential part of illegitimate relations? - Unless the personal freedom can choke with the right of one person to another? - Unless it will be not better to the spouses which sexual relations were cooled if their passions flare up with new partners? - Unless it will be not better, that experts out of a family, instead of illiterate and worthless in this respect parents were engaged in education of children? - Unless not the same people how everything, supporters of unisex love so why their association (at least and from several persons) not to consider as modern kinds of a family are? - And .

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Darling Washing, Whether It Is Necessary For

The darling washing, whether it is necessary for me here and now to transform the word into the technical instruction about possible poses (them not tens, but hundreds) and concerning continuous transition from one in another, from one to other way of delightful "joining"? No, certainly. Itself or by means of the friend you will pick up, as to you it is better: from above, from below, sideways, behind, in front, standing, sitting, lying, in , head over heels and in what sequence all it can be scrolled. I wish to tell now to you about other: how to make your body obedient to each your desire, how to expand a range of your physical possibilities. I believe, nobody will learn you to that necessary that I now will tell, will not learn to those, at least to three - four-five exercises which will translate you, conditionally speaking, from school initial in school average. The first: specially learn more abruptly back a coxofemoral joint (better to say to bulge ). It will allow you to receive a chasm unknown until then voluptuous sensations in that position when your friend is behind, and its ability in general will finish your feeling to protogenic, genetic ecstasy as classical performance of this pose ascends almost to that still to a time when our overland ancestors only left the World ocean.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Especially Important Note: Now, When We Already Have

Especially important note: now, when we already have closely approached to "Secret", I more and more time stipulate - no perfect technology practically can take place at a dry vagina of your girlfriend! Hence, both psychological, and technical training to the certificate should be defined by humidity degree " caves"! We will play a pun: the quantity of an allocated secret defines also good luck of decoding of "Secret". The second especially important note: I advise to start practical development of all technological principles and receptions only after you "have dumped steam", that is, in other words, have dumped propping up seed and have finished the certificate traditional in the spirit of the old not so kind past. Have a rest, be restored - and forward, on development of new tops! And here now, when on the way to the Purpose you have mastered Three indispensable conditions (revolution in outlook, the apprenticeship period together with the girlfriend, technological perfection), you are ready to practical comprehension of "Secret".

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I Will Not Discuss Further Motives Of The

I will not discuss further motives of the decision, here many imperceptible poured subtleties, but the main thing in other, in that impulse of gratitude which has at once shined all my being as internal fiery flash when I have understood that Egor is ready to live with me on - instead of as the mechanical appendage to the service! When has seen that I am more expensive than its ambitions to it. And then this my desire - from within me or from above has come whence? - Also it became most important than the rest. And all. And discussion is finished. Alternatives are not present. I am ready to accept under the heart, in the bosom a young soul. I already wait for it. No, I not simply wait for it. I am going to accept it so that a new life which will soon arise in me, have found the best, healthy locality of dwelling. I will pass all clearings on the physical plan: and that are recommended in "Three whales of health" (a liver, a lymph, kidneys, on bones and that there still another is listed salt), I will pass also deeper clearings: , and about which the Author told to us with Egor (it will state them in the book "Healing of the person", devoted to healing principles).

Saturday, April 28, 2007

.. Whether The Payment Is Great, Whether Is It

.. Whether the payment is great, whether is it unreasonable payment for the short world of delight after which there comes dim space of long powerlessness, indifference, almost agonal weakness? This factor of senselessness and inadequacy of expenses is put in our cogitative device and begins there the analytically-sceptical work. And simultaneously other arguments which advantage is granting of an exit from, apparently, desperate situation for finding of so-called alternative start to work. It: satisfaction from absence of destructive emission of your matter, energy, the information and feeling of master's domination over the sensations of an animal order. It: preservation and increase in the vital potential. It: surprising and delightful possibility to enjoy so long, more than ever before, the excited beauty of shape of the girlfriend, aroma of its hair, softness of its silk skin, plasticity of its body, perfection of all its lines, cliques of its selfless passion. About what small cavils and former conflicts after that there can be a speech? It: delightful, actually human pleasure of talent to the girlfriend of so long caresses which allow it to reveal to the end, to last degree of its abilities.

But Results Of Such Practice Can Be And

But results of such practice can be and rather destructive, despite the preliminary arrangement. How advantages of a swing were declared, here we observe the strong jealousy, even open animosities that does similar relations astable. Such sexual experiments pass not only at revolutionary young men, but also at unmarried and not connected among themselves any strong relations is better. In the presence of mutual gentle respect and attention there is no necessity for an adultery. If it all the same happens, consequences can be improbably destructive. And not only because of jealousy and egoistical requirements of fidelity, but most likely because of deprivation of the spouse of that attention and tenderness which is given to someone to another ". What for family forms practise in "the civilised world"? For example, a family under the marriage contract: it is accurately stipulated in all details, more likely, the business union. In the contract term of marriage relations (on two weeks is underlined or for three years, for example), it is provided possibility of expansion of a circle of members of a family (including for the sake of sexual dialogue), make a reservation property relations and obligations of the parties in relation to possible children etc.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Adrenaline Emission Gives The Chance For Activization Of

Adrenaline emission gives the chance for activization of physical actions, and, hence, suppression of stresses. Intimate caresses instal diverse biochemical laboratory in an organism which will mobilise all its power resources. Glucose accumulation in a liver and in a fatty fabric decrease, means, the figure becomes graceful. Pressure raises, in all without an exception capillaries blood is made up, the skin thanks to it is cleared, in lungs oxygen more actively functions. The hormones getting to blood at the moment of sexual delight, are many times more powerful some morphine, they cause sensation of happiness, ecstasy, and do the person, especially the woman, not sensitive neither to a pain, nor to rise in temperature, to pressure jumps. Whether it is not enough?. And normal work glands and absence of its corkings at men? And improving inflow and blood in bodies of a small basin at women? And man's , soaked up by a vagina and making active as original enzyme all vital processes in a body at the woman? And as the outright release from stresses? And the regular feeling of mental and physical pleasure - whether is regal gift of life? I will not begin to make comments and develop this short list, but I think that from it the direct communication between our successful sexual life and not passing youth of our body and spirit is clear.

Monday, April 16, 2007

.. Approximately In The Same Ways Confirms The Power

.. Approximately in the same ways confirms the power man's or a feminine and in a human brain. But here the critical moment is necessary for the period of pre-natal development of a fruit - for 3-6th its months. Such theory of a sexual differentiation of the brain, offered in the mid-seventies, has not lost the value and today. However, if all difference in the device of a female and man's brain consisted only in unequal responsiveness of nervous cages to hormones, it would be not clear, sexual differences and in a brain structure, in its architecture whence undertake. However, these differences concern basically the same nervous cages which it is separated and on sensitivity to hormones. Nevertheless differences are rather appreciable: at females and males differently shoots of these cages, the unequal sizes have and their kernels, are differently located cages rather each other. There is it as it was found out more recently because in a man's and female brain differently there is one of the major developments of nervous system - the programmed genetic �destruction of a part of cages.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

It Seems To Me, I Was Expressed As

It seems to me, I was expressed as clear as day: pregame in bed is only continuation of your preparation for a joyful meeting, and this preparation begins long before-long before, at least and with a tender kiss since the morning, after awakening. In due time I read D.Karnegi's fine book about matrimonial relations. I do not remember all manuals of this kind person, but an essence of its doctrine, apparently, has apprehended precisely: Constantly it is necessary to create benevolent, so, joyful atmosphere of dialogue between spouses, the atmosphere, alien "scratch", peevishness and cavils. God with them, with trifles, "definitive" conclusions, fits of anger and ambitions: they as will fly about leaves in the autumn and will decay, and admiration - will remain. Here it is supposed, of course, as your girlfriend follows the same principles. I repeat the first condition: world outlook turn to the maximum satisfaction first of all women and, hence, ability psychologically to prepare it for a regal role.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Other Of Readers, I Believe, Again Will Return

Other of readers, I believe, again will return and to vital collisions my dear to heart of characters for will find in their experiences the biographic situations. I aspired to construct this multigenre book so that it not only gave food to mind and feelings, but also brought to the reader a certain concrete knowledge. I wanted, that between the high theory and real practice the strong bridge was built. How to me it sees? For example, so: Heads of a plug-in narration "In search of harmony" have come to the end, as, maybe, remember, a conclusion that "M" and, stretched of eternal, cosmogonic depths, is the factor so fundamental what exactly it will define finally a historical order of family mutual relations of men and women in a society as defined and in the past. The essence that harmonious merge of the person of the man and the woman when it is reached, allows also "M" and to open in the union the human potential, to realise the individual qualities much more full and is more volume, than alone.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Some Useful Enzymes Serving By Natural Antibiotics, Including

Some useful enzymes serving by natural antibiotics, including , destroying covers of bacterial cages are transferred also. The statement of Vychurby became the present sensation that its laboratory has found a solution of century secret of kisses. It, according to the Polish scientists, - in physiology. It is established that males, allocating a saliva, allocate with it and sexual hormones - and which cause occurrence in 85 % of females of sexual hunting and readiness for insemination. It is known that swans, lions, storks and many other animals live in steams on years. But also they have situations when a mutilation, illness and, as consequence, inability actively to extract food, to resist to enemies do the partner or the partner by the bad ally in joint struggle for existence, and it is one of principal causes of "divorces" in fauna. The instinct prompts to them that the companion or the companion cannot already be the assistant in performance of the organic law of a life any more - aspiration to provide a continuation of the family.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

From The Letter Of French Nun Elo-chzy ,

From the letter of French nun Elo-chzy , to the poet, the philosopher, the theologian, monk Abeljaru after perusal of its book "History of my disasters", in fifteen years after the a postthreshing barn (XII century) Once I directly and have told the Jasmin that the man should consist of sex, money and talent if it has these three components, it is possible to consider that it is perfect. A jasmin has answered me that she did not meet more cynical people... From the novel "Anything except good" countesses Elena Shapovoj Karli, the former wife of two Soviet emigrants - artist Shapova and writer Limonova Friend Hemingueja writer Scott Fitzgerald has asked to answer frankly: whether the rights his wife Zelda that is available for it a great anatomic lack because of which it never can satisfy any woman, the size, , not that... "Well, - Heminguej after friends for a short while left, - at you all in a full order has told. Go to the Louvre, look statues, you will be convinced of it. Only consider, what yourself you see from above, and statues - from below and sideways therefore their sizes increase", - "And can be, statues are inexact?" - Scott has told.

Whether Worse To Rock To You A Causal

Whether worse to rock to you a causal place on its hardly intense hip when it lies on a back? And an arrangement, what any time only it caresses you how he or how you want wants, and itself lie inactively? And if on the contrary: you do everything, everything to you or is necessary for it, but it is passive?. Still a huge theme: your mutual or exciting massage. However, I will interrupt: the darling washing, at this stage of a love meeting the set dishes is capable to be such various and delightful that light and the heat rising from your depths smother also bodies, will fill in also you, both your near, and your distant. Pregame can have sometimes very delicate turn which will demand from you both a sincere subtlety, and concrete skills. I mean a situation when your friend or the spouse is on a meeting sincerely and physically exhausted so that its member will remain languid, despite your mutual desire to hold a meeting, as they say, top-level. Egor of the rights when asserts, what is not present a problem of an impotence for this purpose who is able to "serve" you in every possible way and is diverse but how to be to the one who suffers from absence, and this suffering in turn aggravates its feebleness? Here here such skilful from all points of view your care which is capable to correct all on light also is required.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

And This Law Induces A Bird Or For

And this law induces a bird or for an animal to search to itself of the new partner. The wolf, for example, takes to itself in the girlfriend only that "lady" from flight that is equal to it by position, growth. It takes weaker not, and that that is stronger, itself will reject it. Here as though the formula smoothly works: "Not in the sledge do not sit down". Such marriages "by calculation" can and interrupt before the term defined by the nature. That is they proceed until balance of possibilities remains. It is necessary to someone to hand over from them, and... The love end. If it is the leader, the she-wolf dethrones it from "throne" and chooses the new spouse who becomes the leader of flight. Journalist T.Samoshina "The man of forty years, the lawyer, searches for the attractive girl, whose youth would revive his soul". "If to you under forty and you are well-founded, can become the noble knight who will carry away me in a magnificent palace". Whether you asked a question why people publish such announcements in hope to find so ideal partner in life? It speaks very simply, David confirms M.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Businessmen And Managers Of A Various Rank Up

Businessmen and managers of a various rank up to the American presidents believe necessary for themselves to be reputed as the good family man - from it outright their career depends. According to two national anonymous interrogations to the USA, nine of ten Americans are true to the spouses throughout all marriage term, the monogamy is represented to them to the best of all kinds of family relations. And at the same time: in France, for example, to 10 % of pairs "aged" lives in the free union, and among young families (till 25 years) this percent reaches 50. And at the same time: it works to 90 % of family men, and usually. But here that is unusual: works, it is occupied in various spheres of social activities to 40 % of women in the West! And it already assumes the deepest shifts at all institute of marriage. Why? Yes because it leads to quite naturally distracting attention of many women from a family to the business, to the trade and prosperity in it as in value paramount, giving to them not only possibility of personal self-realisation, but also sufficient means for existence independent of the man.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Differences Not In Favour Of The Stronger Sex

Differences not in favour of the stronger sex are found and in work of the biochemical factories which are turning out - substances - transmitters of excitation from one nervous cage to another... But here I have felt that I lose impartiality and I start to try to discover already specially arguments in favour of a female brain. Meanwhile all fantastic heroes and knights errant though bore in the heart fine female images, stood first of all for the truth. Therefore, in order to avoid new temptations, I with feeling of the executed debt finish the wandering. Having understood the data known to a science how the nature has divided advantages between a brain of the man and the woman, we were convinced: it has made it so that to both floors equally well main in a life, to both under force to create good deeds, to create cars, books, music, ways to space though there are they to the same universal purposes not always identical ways. Also it is possible to tell safely that fixed in constitutions of the most advanced countries the principle of equality of men and women leans on strong the base.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

L.Myers And The River Hunter Leggit Directly Assert

L.Myers and the River Hunter Leggit directly assert that the adultery bears the positive experience connected with personal growth, enrichment by joyful emotions and strengthening, as consequence, it, the core (registered in the mayoralty or consecrated with church) marriage. The same authors with special respect concern such kind of an adultery as strong and kind relations of a two, each of which in turn consists in steady marriage with the own husband (wife). They assert that similar type of relations, without destroying base, so to say, families, without breaking in them the developed economic foundations and without injuring children, allows lovers (more precisely, to nonconventional spouses) to satisfy such requirements which cannot be realised in the basic habitat. So, for example, some of informants of the given authors specified that in new relations along with a sexual variety they enjoy also feeling of friendship which lacks them the house. Others noticed that their spouses are insufficiently sexual, and they in additional communications receive from what feel happier, and from their this joyful spirit more happily in turn there live their constant spouses.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

And Even To Inclusion Of All Possible Pleasant

And even to inclusion of all possible pleasant physical sensations at a pregame stage: I already spoke about how in a bathroom under a shower should be engaged you in strengthening of its love potentiality. But after all the same bath, the same shower can be used and for preliminary delightful . I assure you unless the stub mossy will not blossom and not solar revival under caress of warm water, fragrant soap and ointments and careful, but at the same time impudent handles! And when powerful hands of your friend will start to smear-mass your body, up to its most secluded corners then also to the sky can become hot! Better, of course, that the bed has been in advance opened by then, otherwise, may be that to you will be already and not to (if you in general want to get out of a bathroom)! But unless these approaches to pregame settle its variations? All riches of a petting (that is the certificate when everything is supposed, except introduction of a member in a vagina) at your service.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I Have Honour With You To Communicate, Because

I have honour with you to communicate, because each Russian woman for me - honour. It - a treasure, whatever it was soiled. Not it in it is guilty, and - a life. The life has trampled it, has perverted her soul is such suffering when it is difficult to breathe when it is clamped from different directions. And nevertheless advantage grows in you, as a gold core. And eventually you - are straightened, because not your body fastens, and spirit. When I was the girl, I was so poor that ate time in two-three days. Perhaps therefore I am done not disturbed today by your difficulties in meal is it is possible to worry. If you knew, how it is a little necessary to support an organism! At the school in Paris I ask: if can, do not eat in general time in ten days, only drink, clear the organism! You can think - here lives happily, has managed to organise the life, all seems to it simply. I understand it. But understand you too that a lot of energy is spent for nothing - for that purely outer side of a life, which eventually - not the main thing.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Secondly, The Number Of Baby Birds At Singles

Secondly, the number of baby birds at singles is slightly less, than in full families (4,7 and 5,6 accordingly). Further it was found out that self-denying singles bring in a nest of sterns almost twice more often . And energy for baby birds spend in one and a half time more than those. How little birds all are in time? The dream at them is not reduced (7 hours), but the left males cease to sing, and females - to warm baby birds, hardly with that some days. The basic reserve - "... Reduction of expenses of time and energy on passive and active idleness: rest, a pose of readiness for making etc." ("Zoological magazine", 1991, . 70, . 2, with. 92). Well, idleness, eventually, can and be offered. The main thing that any baby bird does not perish, and they grow not worse others. From a heading of "Analogy" of magazine "Chemistry and a life" Thus, on the most essence the love is a choice. And so far as there is it in a core of the person, in depths of soul, principles of selection by which it is guided, simultaneously an essence our most secret and treasured predilections making a basis of our individuality.

Friday, March 16, 2007

.. ... After The First Letter Somehow Was Ashamed

.. ... After the first letter somehow was ashamed to write again, and here the case now was presented to share with you improbable pleasure - I do not believe till now that it has occurred, and at night silently I approach to a bed, I look in it, I concern with lips of small handles, a silk forehead, and my curly sun snuffles to me in a cheek, gives smacking kiss in the sleep... In a Year of the Snake, under constellation of Fishes, at ten o'clock 10 minutes of Moscow time in a city where I was born also and where now I live, from my belly the skilled surgeon has been taken in this world, "the live male fruit growth of 51 sm and is powerful 3 kg of 700 grammes". Having come to the senses after , I asked every ten minutes, whether I have given birth to Sevochku, what growth, weight, whether hands-feet are whole, there and then fell asleep, forgetting, woke up and extorted again, the doctor laughed and spoke: "Now again you will forget, sleep", - but I asked all and asked until next days to me have not brought a tiny lump which I would learn from an armful of the same precious larvae which are carried by fairy godmothers on chambers.

At All Times Flashed And Remained Steady Then

At all times flashed and remained steady then there fires of high love, on fuel from passion, and from aspiration to a continuation of the family, both from a habit and over all it is from a certain enzyme which just and was essence of human love. Such love, we will it are frank, extremely rare. And here paradox of paradoxes: the mass and constant failure in any important issue would cause in a market economy to a life mass and supercareful researches of the reasons of failure. I do not speak about the analysis of why "Ford's" new model "has not gone" in the market, we will tell: the whole offices of masters of marketing will untwist all reasons - from colour and the form of new model to capacity of the engine and elasticity of suspension brackets. Millions and millions dollars will leave on this research, and experts will get to the bottom of the reasons both will modify discrepancy and will adjust release of new competitive updating. I do not speak about wider layers of failures who and that neither wrote and nor printed, for example, about the failure reasons in an education system, about sources of backlog of medicine!.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Radical Basic Distinction Of Functions Of Floors In

Radical basic distinction of functions of floors in a problem of a continuation of the family like gravitation magnet poles powerfully held them in rational frameworks of former forms of a traditional family. It was harmony at level problems, with reference to economic position of each separate family. All the same objective forces were at the bottom of rapid development of personal, individual qualities of people - in their weight, in them more thickly, in their generality. Developments of individual properties - formations, consciousness, self-esteem - first of all at the woman. And when the woman became economically independent of the man when it became equal to it by the rights - former unequal family relations, a basis of a former family have naturally started to fall. The all-around development of each person, aspiration to harmonisation and satisfaction of its especially individual inquiries and requirements - up to multicourage (that was accessible only selected earlier, like Catherine the Great) is an achievement of new time and one of principal causes of instability of marriage institute now.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Active Actions Loving Turned Against Each Other, Bear,

Active actions loving turned against each other, bear, pleasure to both: and to the one who influences, and to the one who perceives caresses. What technics love? No, I, not will not write to the instruction my this business as different schools offer different ways of achievement of the highest pleasure, such long ecstasy when an exchange "M" and allows to find a steady condition of inspiration of all your human essence, to feel full communication not only with the favourite person, but with Space or God. One teachers insist on system of constantly becoming complicated joint caresses (seven levels), others believe that vibrations of all body, like electric, it is necessary to achieve through joint meditations etc. For us particulars are important not, but the result achievement by your conjoint orchestra of a mighty crescendo which incorporates and grasps you so long, how many you will wish. Glory to new times in the respect that that or others can be got editions. But looking, glory to New Times in the sense that before everyone and before each of us those are nowadays open truly divine possibilities which once were before superconfidential property of emperors, masters of huge powers.

I Was Rather Impressed Personally With One Of

I was rather impressed personally with one of inscriptions on walls "the Black pagoda":" Learn kama-sutru only with that whom you wish. Kama-sutra demands all life, the knowledge kama-sutry is infinite, as pleasure of knowledge of ideas of God of Krishna "is infinite. According to"Kama-sutre", the man is capable to remain the man, and the woman - the woman to the extreme old age. So it appears that" the secret of the Chinese tangerines "was and not a secret, and not only the Chinese tangerines. Tens and hundreds variations of kisses and embraces are described in "Kama-sutre", an essence of this description that there are no almost such places on a body at the beloved which cannot receive caress from your lips, and these lips are capable to behave differently the same as language, as well as a teeth. The essence of descriptions of this and other worthy books as well that there are no at it such zones which during the travel could not and caresses your hands, moving from top to down - from a head to hips, without speaking about a breast, a back, sides, a waist.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

If In England Recently Only 4 % From

If in England recently only 4 % from all number of engineers were women, in the USA - 10 % at us this percent rises to 40, and in a teaching and medicine - to 70! Here also you will reflect in these circumstances on pleasures of the accelerated development and its consequences for health of our family, anyway, in its form traditional for Russia. Ways are not present back and cannot be. There can be only an updating of a way of the subsequent with the full account that already was that is and, the main thing, that will be! It sounds defiantly, perfectly I understand, nevertheless, I dare to pass an opinion on objective factors, is more powerful which there is nothing in it the world. The multidifficult deep forces defining fundamental laws of life of people, on all planet approximately have equally defined very long time ago the best for last times of the form of family arrangement for the sake of a continuation of the family human. Harmony of relations of that time between the man and the woman corresponded also to level of their way of that time, individual feeling.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In General, Principles Of Correct Breath Play A

In general, principles of correct breath play a role that in yoga that in "Secret" - as a basis of bases of health. I will not speak in detail about it, the big section in "Three whales of health" is devoted breath. But now I talk about breath a lot of sort - connected with bright purposeful meditation and with accurate sensation from work of the fancy. I dictate: you represent in the a ball of bright white colour. Mentally you conduct it upwards on a backbone, you lead up to a projection of a solar plexus and you direct from a backbone on line slightly rounded off upwards directly to a solar plexus. Therefrom you conduct it downwards, to a navel, leaving behind it a white trace. Over a navel - the trajectory of a white cord forks and down to goes two parallel lines. At two lines merge in one and go in . Therefrom all begins at first, but with that difference that now movement with each new turn will be made all faster. The problem on a breath to lift a cord upwards, and on an exhalation to lower downwards - already precisely and unmistakably on the laid trajectory.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Hypothesis: And If Together To Dance ?.

A hypothesis: and if together to dance ?. I already said that it is necessary to involve at this time all channels : both sense of smell, and touch, and taktilno-muscular sensations. But after all it is necessary to include at full capacity and flavouring receptors! Never I will forget, as it was fine under sounds of hardly audible languid music, in twilight to sit in a peignoir on Leonid's mighty knees and to eat, handing down, segments of pears expiring by sweet juice, "ladies' fingers", magnificent plums. And all it was washed down still with wonderful drinks from the most thin crystal wine glasses. The sound of that music that was distributed at their gentle meeting, sounds without weakening in the tenderness already many long years in my ears. Certainly, the darling washing, such holidays are arranged not daily, to put it mildly, but after all matter is not in quantity, and in that their magic quality which overflows with hot delight both your memory, and each section of a body throughout many years and decades.

Friday, February 23, 2007

From Interview Under The Name "I Search For

From interview under the name "I Search for the Russian Wife", given to the Moscow weekly journal "Family" the American writer and director Efraimom Seveloj. The conversation was conducted by Alla Berezhkova - In effect, about the husband I at all do not ask myself a question, it is pleasant to me or it is not pleasant. I worship to it. - to tell the truth, the Russian woman is more accustomed to pray on children... - And from whom the child is born? If you have not grown fond of the husband, if the child did not want, but have accepted - are not present is worse. Burden, estrangement, narrowness any. And when you to the husband - also bear what it to you has submitted, - after all it already sense absolutely another, unless not so? It gives me the life, I to it - the. After fall the Lord and has told to Eve: now instead of a wedding way with me, with the Lord, you will obey the husband, and he over you will dominate. What family without the husband? And what for the child without the father? All the same, what to tell - mother-marija and the Christ exist, and God-father is unessential.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Given Fact Is Direct Legal And Actual

The given fact is direct legal and actual legalisation of the declared personal freedom that means also own - to whom as conveniently and it is necessary - style of home life. In these countries the present legal fights for the sake of are made, that an incomplete family on our concepts (mother and the child or the father and the child) not to consider incomplete, but to count as quite lawful family cell, like other forms of a family (though and unisex)! Whether find women a peace of mind in similar circumstances: out of houses, with illegitimate (according to old morals, " ") the child, with friends - when on an hour, when for a year? It is necessary to answer: in many cases - yes, differently the similar current would not spread, grasping in the waters already tens percent and hundred millions persons in many countries. It is necessary to tell: its psychological comfort, mistresses of own destiny, the proprietress of own business and own children, the person who has managed as much as possible to reveal the internal potential, much more well, than at any of our women which is compelled to please insignificant sometimes to the man to be considered as the lawful wife and mother of the lawful child, yes thus still to stick as a tractor on the low-wage job and in despised housekeeping, moreover to know that it has a successful young competitor to whom it , that and look, "will fade" for ever.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Well, First Hunters It Was Caused Much, And

Well, first hunters it was caused much, and a tsarevna all roared yes roared, also because that was plaintive to it as at grooms of a head chopped off, yes there's nothing to be done, were caused. And here absolutely already they did not become. And it all time roars, absolutely to frustration has finished. And here through their kingdom of soldiers home from service comes back. It has heard about such business, and speaks: - I know, the tsar-father as it to make laugh, for one night I undertake to correct business! And the tsar answers: - It is a pity to me you, , but the imperial word I can not cancel! - for me not , your imperial majesty, answers the soldier, - grooms s not from that end . Well, all right. It comes by the evening to a tsarevna, and that tear falls pours, to dry their scarfs-towels does not suffice. Has seen the soldier and more than that it was filled in. - yes you to roar, - tells soldiers, - I after all know, in what your trouble, and to your grief I undertake. - and in what my trouble? - The Tsarevna-nesmejana was surprised.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Professor S. Libih Absolutely Fairly Notices That The

Professor S. Libih absolutely fairly notices that the woman is capable to test high-grade and during time when the member of the man is at it in a mouth, can receive a huge discharge and when the member caresses it between breasts or a neck, or a popliteal hollow, (where powerful erogenous zones also can be located). So ( , in Russian) - a thing very important, but fortunately, not unique. Conclusion from here very simple: in sexual sense (understood widely) the woman receives so much, how many gives. If you are ready to give passionately to it each section of the body for its delight also itself you receive violent, solar pleasure. The more brightly you shine, the more perfectly well and more happily, is also to you. And you hold yourself, you are afraid to transfer, as they say, you caress and you receive. About what voluptuousness it is necessary to speak here? So, no more, than about carrot coffee, being put into words the poet... Here the certificate in which all concentrates that delightful for what you with the friend prepared has begun.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It Was Mine! It Was The Exact Copy

It was mine! It was the exact copy of my husband Sashi - a face form, eyes, a chin, sponges. Shivering choking with excitement, took weightless and hands and having told:" Hi, my son ", has washed the person its tears which hailstones have swept from my eyes, and showered with kisses. And he slept and did not wish to wake up, and I all dreamt to see his eyes, sister has come, has pulled about it for a nose and a chin, it was delivered, and has opened their blue, and I all wanted, that to me was similar!. Has put it to a breast, yes it is somehow awkward, ineptly, the nurse has marvelled to it is after all thirty seven, I already advanced in years - have palmed off on me it under a mouse, and I have felt, as falls down pressure in muscles and reviver irrigates the tiny mouth which has grasped a breast, both such pacification and luxury has spread on all body, such pleasure has overflowed all my being that forces have left me, except force in the hands which have pressed to heart treasure, and tears flew continuously, and was not forces to take away a sight from a face - My God, My God, blood washing, a flesh washing, my happiness, love washing, my floret, an angel .

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It: Freedom Of The Woman About Fear To

It: freedom of the woman about fear to become pregnant or not to be in time to finish earlier, than you "have bowled off" that absolutely changes atmosphere of your meeting. It: comprehension or sensation at level of that subconsciousness that your long joyful contact has allowed you to exchange completely tenderness and mutual benevolence and is mutual before full saturation complementary kinds of energy, it means that harmony owns you, and you - it. It: possibility for you not only long holidays, but also physical possibility of growth of their frequency and quantity. Better to say, this substantial growth of feeling of love which you give also which receive. It: mental , passing in a condition, even in ecstasy, in feeling of empathy with the favourite person and through it with all world and all that there is the highest sensation of Poetry of the validity. I will not list further as I think, clearly main: the source of the new concept all is located in a cerebral cortex and unconditionally orders physiological reactions, demanding a delay of emission of a seed and giving instead of it the ecstatic pleasure, equally mentioning I smother also a body.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

And If Next Time She Wishes To Be

And if next time she wishes to be and obedient - it is very good, that wished by the woman, that is wanted by the Sky!. In other words, it is a question not only of my creation of kind love atmosphere, but also and about full freedom of the woman as creator of relations, about absence of its internal constraint. About ours with it of solidarity, about harmony of aspirations. And here, misters pure "technicians", it is created such extensive "technical nomenclatures of details and designs" about which, safely I dare to tell, to you and it is not necessary to dream!. And the base of these fantastic human riches is the absolute confidence of the woman that in bed its blessing for me - the prime target, and its joyful aspiration to correspond such here my readiness. Here it is possible, of course, running forward many to speak and about different "technical" ways emotional " " specific appointment: and about salty (or very salty) the words told not only on a box of love, but also alone sounded on an ear, and accompanied very much even expressive caress or a kiss, it is possible to say even about special discussion of that yesterday was and so has brightly impressed, and that it would be desirable today, but I while stop.

Friday, January 26, 2007

And Nevertheless Products Has Not Sufficed, And The

And nevertheless products has not sufficed, and the West has been compelled to lay "life road" for food aid delivery. When at Russian it will be restored normal (under the western standards) sexuality, they will cease to find pleasure in a gluttony, - "Playboy" considers. Professor Schultz at university of Bielefeld has conducted researches under the program of studying of influence on health of the person of absence of love. It has come to sensational results. The one who receives not enough love, suffers from a headache, infringement of blood circulation, nervousness and a sleeplessness, painful requirement for excessive meal, gastric is more often. On pages of foreign editions Accident passed, and only the memoirs on it pass before a mind of the lonely aged man who has settled down in a lap of Cleopatra. The mankind was not lost, fertilisation is made nowadays and hygienic way, almost as an inoculation. The epoch of heavy tests was replaced by relative stabilisation. But the culture does not suffer emptiness: the place which has become empty as a result , the delicatessen has occupied.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hence, Training This Muscle, We, Women, Receive More

Hence, training this muscle, we, women, receive more possibilities not only for strengthening of the important zone of the general health, but also for reception sharp sensations. Our men find a source of new joyful sexual feelings. How to strengthen a muscle of Kegelja? Try to send an impulse on its reductions, try during sexual intercourse gently as hand to shake the vagina its moved member. I assure you if to set for myself this problem, it will appear quite solved. To want - means can! I continue conversation on a feast . If you think that after (or series) the feast is finished, you are mistaken. As there is a regal pregame so necessarily there should be a ritual and , and it is more important for you, than for the spouse. As a rule, the man sharply weakens after eruption of a seed and he - on ignorance - would like to fall off and asleep at once. It is impossible! On the sly accustom it to calm gently you and under the schedule hollow a falling curve to enter you into a dream earlier, than to be forgotten most.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

), As Though As It To Understand, Feel, Feel

), As though as it to understand, feel, feel that they are capable to live more brightly, more colourfully, more interestingly, is more volume, more happily, with constantly increasing energy and the increasing creative potential if will manage to raise the family command the face to the Sky! About as I that to the lift which is carrying away us, speaking in images, in comprehension and application clouds in practice universe laws dream, those skiers were picked up, which else to live yes to live! That this lift carried away them from vain on which people become obsolete, and without having understood, what for they have come to this Earth and than their life differs from existence of monocelled bacteria. After all bacteria aspire exclusively to comfortable position, and only this desire defines their actions and reactions, where here about lofty matters... In what solving complexity of change, transition from a trading platform where market, exchange relations where the competition, on the lift using for the movement upwards draught of the cosmogonic law of unity of contrasts dominates reign consists? This complexity roots in necessity of essential change of a scale of our values.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Is Not Present, They Are Absolutely Truthful, Many

"Is not present, they are absolutely truthful, many people would be glad to have such proportions". - "Why Zelda?." "It is very simple - it has got rid of a competition, has sidelined you that you at all did not try to deal with other women. That's all. I have told to you all truth. You trust me?" - I "do not know", - Scott has answered. Free transposition of one of episodes of the book of E.Hemingueja "a holiday, which always with you" On wedding of an old admiral and the young girl its friends have hinted it that it all the same is very young, healthy, it is required to it much, itself understand, in general, it is better to get the doubler... - it is good, - an admiral has told, - we will get. In half a year friends have asked it, as the wife. - it is pregnant. - and the doubler how is? - Too it is pregnant, - an admiral has answered. In some kingdom, in some state the daughter imperial all cried, roared yes roared, tears day and night spilt. And to that father that has worn out that he everywhere ordered to declare: who will make laugh a tsarevna, that in its wife takes also half-kingdoms in addition will receive, and is not present - so a head from shoulders.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Absence Of The Third Party Of A Triangle,

Absence of the third party of a triangle, that is impossibility to concretise love feeling and inability to construct long relations: we will recollect Romeo and Juliette's example. The Love-friendship as a combination of intimacy and ability it to carry out, but at weak passion, looks rather faintly in comparison with an ideal triangle of perfect love. To explain and describe love in the mathematical way, to predict its peripetias and duration, building triangles, it is not simple exercises in style. "Love research, - doctor Shternberg speaks, helps us to understand, why the love can bring in one cases happiness, in others - affliction and how it is possible to improve relations of partners". Science and feeling commonwealth, it continues, quite could be transformed to a love match in due course. The abstract on a series of articles belonging to the American mathematicians Robert Steinberg and Anna Bejl and published in "Dzhernel institute Hilt". All shout - Frenchwomen, Frenchwomen! There is no our woman better! Ours huge achievement.