Monday, May 25, 2009

When Have Done Experience Like Pavlovsk With Dogs

When have done experience like Pavlovsk with dogs of different type of nervous system have received such results: dogs of strong type who aspired to react to a great number simultaneously signals, diligently rotated until at them there did not come an abrupt nervous breakdown. Dogs of weak type of nervous system arrived and at all in a simple way: were soon turned off by a ball and fell asleep, and as to all these problems burn they with a clear flame. . As I belong obviously to strong dog type and in a ball was not turned off, it is obvious that quickly approached and there was already closely absolutely expected failure, to be exact - an extensive heart attack. Clearing, extraction of a heavy stage of an information syndrome consisted not only in the unequivocal permission of a tragical situation of "Nastja-Alja", but also that from my shoulders the whole sheaf of problems and problems, apparently, obligatory for me, and in practice intended for my associates and assistants was showered at all.