Friday, April 10, 2009

And The Sun Above, And Stocks Of The

And the sun above, and stocks of the fallen asleep water at top so not to wither to a stream long, very long!. This image of the inexhaustible roaring falls which once for a long time have amazed my imagination in mountains where we were with Darya, rose from the Non-existence at each our present meeting with Anastasiej. At us has begun not only a new love life, as though under radiation of light and heat of the hot removed a spell sun, but a new life in general. New especially for me because I gradually really ceased to be only an appendage, the functional lever of the work. Business gradually turned to one of the major aspects of life were its unique sense, and sense and the purpose of a life we have put building of the life - sanguineous, whenever possible all-round, various, joint, happy. It was uneasy, maybe, the most abrupt turn from everything that I have tested on the already so long way. To see pleasure in dialogue and cheerful fuss with the wife and children, instead of a hindrance for perusal of those urgent official papers that I took home from office is was uneasy at inertia in tens years! To find possibilities for perusal of the difficult art book which with such work made the way through my rusted brains, but nevertheless has started turning the flywheels which have been not connected closely with cartography, is was as to pass through surgical operation.


  1. And here has overtaken me a terrible grief which has literally crushed me: as a part of a women's team of veteranok-climbers Darya has gone on not so difficult ascension in Zailijsky Ala Tau, and their camp on thirtieth of March when snow have melted, has been covered by an avalanche. Their tents stood there where never, never avalanches descended: these veterans, masters of sports knew all subtleties of artful mountains. But, means, not all... When to me have informed on this trouble, I have run in a forest park - I ran and shouted, both cried, and howled, as a wild animal.

  2. Here again, as the natural way to improve mood to relax and calm down is to eat. Hyperfagichesky reactions have only just started to be studied. And it is a lot of questions still remain not clear. Which that managed to be found out and in our researches. So, under our data, frequency of occurrence of food infringements accrues with the years. They are very rare at children and young men till 20 years, however further their frequency accrues. And still, food infringements at women meet approximately in 10 times more often, than at men.
