Friday, April 10, 2009

In Magnificent, Joint Work Of Writer Nika Of

In magnificent, joint work of writer Nika of Douglas having encyclopaedic character and artists Penni Slinger "the Tantra: great culture of the East. Philosophy, a method, practice. Sexual secrets - the ecstasy alchemy", published in New York in 1979, as the appendix contains four hundred sixteen sources: ancient and modern editions!. So to esteem about transformation of a sexual life in creative efforts of a two loving, moreover - about its transformation to powerful universal energy of the life it is quite possible. But attention of it, but readings of it is it is insignificant a little for tantra comprehension is a work. Yes, fascinating, yes, promising truly the heavenly award, but - work long, multistage, very much not idle time. Here already where "freebie" as does not pass a principle categorically for here equal attention demands both a body, and spirit. So, if to resort to Egor's terminology, strategy has put: mastering by universal space force through use two poles, two universal, complementary kinds of energy (In and Jan).


  1. I fell to the ground, went for a drive on it and again shouted and cried. So second fifteen years of my home life have ended. Likely, this emotional emission in park has rescued my soul from rupture. We, relatives, have taken off for accident area: commands of rescuers anywhere have found nothing, neither tent, nor a backpack... And its uncommon life in which were has ended, I hope, and the happiness moments. But I knew that it then would not go to any mountains, if houses all was excellent. And it was not excellent that I am a man - once could not understand a subtlety and complexity of female psychology, there was no that has not managed to result the young favourite wife in a separate room.

  2. What can I tell?. For those twenty two days that we on a board marked in the French way, we cut out on it forty six deep furrows: how many time has met, and to thousand strokes: how many time I selflessly finished the certificate, at all without remembering myself. Was including such unforgettable day after which we cut on a board four sharp general furrows and to hundred - totally - mine !. It was not similar on what, it was delightful, though, of course, there were also hindrances, say, technical character.
